Clerks quotes
52 total quotesDante Hicks
Randal Graves
Silent Bob
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37?! I'm 37?!
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Angry man: Now lose the skates, Dorothy Hamill, and open the ****in' store!
Hockey player: Dante, where are ya?
Angry man: He's busy!
Dante: In a second!
Angry man: **** "in a second"! This--oh look at you, you can't even pass!
Dante: Hey, I can pass!
Angry man: How 'bout covering the point? Man, you suck.
Dante: Who are you to make assessments?
Angry man: Hey, I'll assess all I want, pal.
Hockey player: Hey, Dante, you in or out?
Angry man: Don't pass to this guy. He sucks! You suck!
Dante: Oh, like you're any better?
Angry man: Hey, I'll whoop your ass any day, pal!
Dante: Oh, it's easy to for you to say from over here!
Angry man: Gimme your stick, pretty boy. I'll knock your ****in' teeth out and pass all over your ass!
Customer: Hey, you open?
William Black: Yeah, you open?
Dante and Angry man: No!
Hockey player: Dante, where are ya?
Angry man: He's busy!
Dante: In a second!
Angry man: **** "in a second"! This--oh look at you, you can't even pass!
Dante: Hey, I can pass!
Angry man: How 'bout covering the point? Man, you suck.
Dante: Who are you to make assessments?
Angry man: Hey, I'll assess all I want, pal.
Hockey player: Hey, Dante, you in or out?
Angry man: Don't pass to this guy. He sucks! You suck!
Dante: Oh, like you're any better?
Angry man: Hey, I'll whoop your ass any day, pal!
Dante: Oh, it's easy to for you to say from over here!
Angry man: Gimme your stick, pretty boy. I'll knock your ****in' teeth out and pass all over your ass!
Customer: Hey, you open?
William Black: Yeah, you open?
Dante and Angry man: No!
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Customer: Cute cat. What's its name?
Randal: Annoying customer.
Customer: ****in' dickhead.
Randal: Annoying customer.
Customer: ****in' dickhead.
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Dante: I'm stuck in this pit, working for less than slave wages, working on my day off. The goddamn steel shutters are closed. I deal with every backward-assed **** on the planet. I smell like shoe polish. My ex-girlfriend is catatonic after ****ing a dead guy, and my present girlfriend has sucked 36 dicks.
Randal: 37.
Randal: 37.
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Dante: Only 12 minutes of a game and then it's over?! ****! ****, ****, ****! I'm not even suppose to be here today!
Sanford: I still get free Gatorade, right?
Sanford: I still get free Gatorade, right?
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Female Customer: It's important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That's why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.
Caitilin Bree: I'm offering you my body, and you're offering me semantics.
Coroner: What kind of convenience store do you run here?
Caitilin Bree: I'm offering you my body, and you're offering me semantics.
Coroner: What kind of convenience store do you run here?
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Mother: Excuse me, do you sell videos?
Randal: Yeah, what're you looking for?
Mother: Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.
Randal: Uh, one second. I'm on the phone with the distribution house now, lemme make sure we got it. What's it called again?
Mother: Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.
Child: Happy Scrappy.
Mother: She loves it.
Randal: Obviously. Uh, yeah, hi, this is RST Video calling, customer number 4352, I'd like to place an order. Okay, I need one each of the following tapes: Whispers in the Wind, To Each His Own, Put It Where It Doesn't Belong, My Pipes Need Cleaning, All Tit-****ing Volume 8, I Need Your ****, Ass-Worshipping Rim-Jobbers, My **** and 8 Shafts, **** Clean, ****-Gargling Naked Sluts, **** Buns III, ****ming in Socks, **** On Eileen, Huge Black ****s with Pearly White ****, Girls Who Crave ****, Girls Who Crave ****, Men Alone II: the KY Connection, Pink Pussy Lips, oh yeah, and, uh, All Holes Filled with Hard ****. Yep. Oh, wait a minute, uh, what was that called again?
Randal: Yeah, what're you looking for?
Mother: Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.
Randal: Uh, one second. I'm on the phone with the distribution house now, lemme make sure we got it. What's it called again?
Mother: Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.
Child: Happy Scrappy.
Mother: She loves it.
Randal: Obviously. Uh, yeah, hi, this is RST Video calling, customer number 4352, I'd like to place an order. Okay, I need one each of the following tapes: Whispers in the Wind, To Each His Own, Put It Where It Doesn't Belong, My Pipes Need Cleaning, All Tit-****ing Volume 8, I Need Your ****, Ass-Worshipping Rim-Jobbers, My **** and 8 Shafts, **** Clean, ****-Gargling Naked Sluts, **** Buns III, ****ming in Socks, **** On Eileen, Huge Black ****s with Pearly White ****, Girls Who Crave ****, Girls Who Crave ****, Men Alone II: the KY Connection, Pink Pussy Lips, oh yeah, and, uh, All Holes Filled with Hard ****. Yep. Oh, wait a minute, uh, what was that called again?
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Randal: Chick only made you nuts, man. She cheated on you how many times?
Dante: Eight and a half.
Randal: Eight and a half?
Dante: Party at John Kay's, senior year; I get blitzed, pass out in his bedroom. Caitlin comes in and jumps all over me.
Randal: So, that's cheating?
Dante: No. In the middle of it she called me Brad.
Randal: She called you Brad?
Dante: Called me Brad.
Randal: That's not cheating. People say crazy shit during sex. One time I called this girl 'Mom'.
Dante: Eight and a half.
Randal: Eight and a half?
Dante: Party at John Kay's, senior year; I get blitzed, pass out in his bedroom. Caitlin comes in and jumps all over me.
Randal: So, that's cheating?
Dante: No. In the middle of it she called me Brad.
Randal: She called you Brad?
Dante: Called me Brad.
Randal: That's not cheating. People say crazy shit during sex. One time I called this girl 'Mom'.
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Randal: Hockey's hockey. At least we got to play.
Dante: Twelve minutes is hardly a game. Jesus, it's hardly even a warm-up.
Randal: Bitch, bitch, bitch. You want something to drink?
Dante: Yeah. Gatorade.
Randal: Hey, what happened to all the Gatorade?
Dante: Exactly! They drank it all!
Dante: Twelve minutes is hardly a game. Jesus, it's hardly even a warm-up.
Randal: Bitch, bitch, bitch. You want something to drink?
Dante: Yeah. Gatorade.
Randal: Hey, what happened to all the Gatorade?
Dante: Exactly! They drank it all!
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Randal: The 'Milk Maids'?
Dante: The women that go through every gallon of milk, looking for that later date, as if somewhere beyond all the other gallons is a container of milk that won't go bad for at least a decade.
Dante: The women that go through every gallon of milk, looking for that later date, as if somewhere beyond all the other gallons is a container of milk that won't go bad for at least a decade.
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Randal: The jizz-mopper's job is to clean off the glass after each guy shoots a load. I don't know if you noticed, but **** leaves streaks if you don't clean it right away.
Customer: [offended] I will never come to this place again!
Dante: I'm sorry?
Customer: Using filthy language in front of the customers, you both should be fired!
Dante: I'm sorry, I guess we got carried away.
Customer: I don't know if sorry could make up for it, you've highly offended me.
Randal: Well if you thinks that's offensive, check this out!
[Randal shows the customer a graphic picture from a porn mag.]
Randal: I think you can see her kidneys!
[The customer runs out of the store.]
Customer: [offended] I will never come to this place again!
Dante: I'm sorry?
Customer: Using filthy language in front of the customers, you both should be fired!
Dante: I'm sorry, I guess we got carried away.
Customer: I don't know if sorry could make up for it, you've highly offended me.
Randal: Well if you thinks that's offensive, check this out!
[Randal shows the customer a graphic picture from a porn mag.]
Randal: I think you can see her kidneys!
[The customer runs out of the store.]
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Randal: What did you like better, Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back?
Dante: Empire.
Randal: Blasphemy.
Dante: Empire had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father. Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.
Dante: Empire.
Randal: Blasphemy.
Dante: Empire had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father. Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.
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Randal: You know who I can do without? The people in the video store.
Dante: Which ones?
Randal: All of 'em.
Customer 1: What would you get for a six-year-old boy who chronically wets his bed?
Customer 2: So, do you have any new movies in?
[The camera zooms out. Behind her is a sign that says "BRAND NEW MOVIES!".]
Customer 3: Do you have that one with that guy who was in that movie that was out last year?
[flashback ends]
Randal: They never rent quality flicks. They always pick the most intellectually devoid movie on the racks.
Customer 3: Oooh! Navy Seals!
[flashback ends]
Randal: It's like in order to join they have to have an I.Q. less than their shoe size.
Dante: Which ones?
Randal: All of 'em.
Customer 1: What would you get for a six-year-old boy who chronically wets his bed?
Customer 2: So, do you have any new movies in?
[The camera zooms out. Behind her is a sign that says "BRAND NEW MOVIES!".]
Customer 3: Do you have that one with that guy who was in that movie that was out last year?
[flashback ends]
Randal: They never rent quality flicks. They always pick the most intellectually devoid movie on the racks.
Customer 3: Oooh! Navy Seals!
[flashback ends]
Randal: It's like in order to join they have to have an I.Q. less than their shoe size.
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Sanford: Hey, Dante, I'm gonna grab a Gatorade.
Dante: If you grab a Gatorade, then everyone's gonna grab one.
Sanford: So?
Dante: So, who's gonna pay for all these Gatorades?
Sanford: What do you care, you shoe polish-smelling mother****er?
Dante: Hey, I have a responsibility here. I can't have everybody grabbing free drinks.
Sanford: Responsibility? What responsibility? You're closing the ****ing store to play hockey!
Randal: He's blunt, but he's got a point.
Dante: Will you let me maintain some semblance of managerial control here?
Sanford: No, all I'm sayin' is that if you're gonna be insubordinate, you might as well go the full nine, not pussy out when it comes to free shit to drink.
Randal: He's right, as if we're suddenly gonna have a run on Gatorade.
Sanford: ****in' A!
Dante: All right! Jesus! You ****ers are pushy!
Dante: If you grab a Gatorade, then everyone's gonna grab one.
Sanford: So?
Dante: So, who's gonna pay for all these Gatorades?
Sanford: What do you care, you shoe polish-smelling mother****er?
Dante: Hey, I have a responsibility here. I can't have everybody grabbing free drinks.
Sanford: Responsibility? What responsibility? You're closing the ****ing store to play hockey!
Randal: He's blunt, but he's got a point.
Dante: Will you let me maintain some semblance of managerial control here?
Sanford: No, all I'm sayin' is that if you're gonna be insubordinate, you might as well go the full nine, not pussy out when it comes to free shit to drink.
Randal: He's right, as if we're suddenly gonna have a run on Gatorade.
Sanford: ****in' A!
Dante: All right! Jesus! You ****ers are pushy!