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Nicholas & Alexandra

Nicholas & Alexandra quotes

51 total quotes

Colonel Volkov
Grand Duke Nicholas
Prince Yusupov

View Quote British Ambassador to Russia: Is Russia committed to the war effort?
Alexander Kerensky: Indeed.
French Ambassador to Russia: There is talk about Russians demanding Russia's withdrawal from the war.
Alexander Kerensky: That is the mostly the Bolsheviks. But do not worry about that; the Bolsheviks only have six seats in the Duma, nobody takes them seriously.
U.S. Ambassador to Russia: Washington is prepared to grant a loan of several hundred million rubles to aid your fledling government, but that is contingent upon Russia's military involvement. No war, no loan.
[Kerensky is annoyed by the use of American taxpayers' money to sway Russian opinion]
Alexander Kerensky: You cannot buy Russia! We will fight! But not to get your tax money. We have lost so much already.
U.S. Ambassador to Russia: If I were you, I would put this Lenin quietly in jail.
Alexander Kerensky: I cannot do that just because there has been a bad history in Russia about that sort of thing. It is has been far too easy for the leaders to throw people in jail.
U.S. Ambassador to Russia: I have read his speeches. Surely you have to.
Alexander Kerensky: I cannot throw a man in jail for what he thinks! Of all the people of the world, you Americans should understand that best! It is in your Bill of Rights.
U.S. Ambassador to Russia: Lenin wants to overthrow the government by force. We Americans call that treason.
View Quote Empress Dowager Marie: I have come to congratulate you, Nicky.
Tsar Nicholas II: What for, Mama?
Empress Dowager Marie: For finding, in all of Russia's countless cretins, idiots and incompetents, the men least qualified to run your government!
View Quote Empress Dowager Marie: You have to stop being out here on the front lines and get back to Tsarskoe Selo, where you belong! Rasputin is in Saint Petersburg, running it all into the ground! If you do not act now, we will be ruined and madmen will come!
Tsar Nicholas II: What should I do?
Empress Dowager Marie: Hang him! Send him to the gallows! I do not wish ill on any man, but so many Russians are going to die if you do not!
Tsar Nicholas II: I cannot.
Empress Dowager Marie: Then send him to Siberia! Get back home, send Alexandra to Livadia and take charge of everything!
Tsar Nicholas II: Rasputin lives in Siberia. Besides, what am I to do when my son has a hemophilia attack and Sunny needs Rasputin's help?
Empress Dowager Marie: Do you believe that? Do you honestly and seriously believe that? Millions of Russians are going to starve to death and be murdered, and all because you cannot say no to your wife! In that case I ask you, Nicholas, what can you do?
Tsar Nicholas II: Just what I am doing.
Empress Dowager Marie: I wish your father were still alive. He would know what to do!
Tsar Nicholas II: Don't you dare throw him in my face!
Empress Dowager Marie: Why shouldn't I? He would have burned Vienna down, bombarded the Germans, hung the rebels, shot the strikers, anything to give Russia peace! And he would certainly know what to do about Rasputin! Your father knew how to be a Tsar!
View Quote General Alexiev: Your Majesty, I have an urgent communique. A riot in Saint Petersburg!
Tsar Nicholas II: Riot? This cannot be, we are at war! This must be some joke!
General Alexiev: No joke, sire. Workers are on strike and people are raiding warehouses. The Army refuses to open fire on them.
Tsar Nicholas II: Telegraph this to the Military Governor. All riots are to be stopped at once. Martial law is to be declared. The Duma is to be dissolved. I return to Saint Petersburg immediately.
General Alexiev: I only hope there is someone in Saint Petersburg to read our orders.
View Quote Rasputin: Batushka Tsar.
[Rasputin bows to the Tsar, who nods his head in return]
Rasputin: Matushka, why are you afraid?
Tsaritsa Alexandra: Why am I what?!
Rasputin: I think you are frightened. Strangers frighten you. There was a case back in Pokrovskoe. That is my home; it is a little village in Siberia. There was a woman who was so frightened of strangers that she bought herself a pinewood box and lived in it. One day her husband buried the box with her in it. "Ivan, don't!", she cried. Her husband responded "I only want to make you happy". She said "I know, I know. But Heaven is full of strangers. Let me out!"
View Quote Tsar Nicholas II: All we do is dream of England. We have been very happy there.
Alexander Kerensky: England will not accept you.
Tsar Nicholas II: Won't accept? King George is my cousin!
Alexander Kerensky: He does not seem to want you, either. He has got his own station to worry about.
Tsar Nicholas II: Yes, I must not make trouble for...
Alexander Kerensky: Neither will the French. They are at war to save liberty. You were an autocrat.
Tsar Nicholas II: Damn it! I am a father with a family! Is there not any way? How about Finland? It is only thirty miles away!
Alexander Kerensky: I would never get you out of Saint Petersburg alive. Are you aware that I am all that stands between you and the block? You will be safe under my administration, you have my promise on that. There is blood enough on everybody's hands; I will not have yours on mine. A fine mess Russia in in. Treasury is empty. The Radicals want this, the Socialists want that, the Kadets want the other thing. The Bolsheviks want this, the Mensheviks want that. I could not throw them in jail even if I wanted to! You had power but no laws; I have laws but no power.
Tsar Nicholas II: I wish I could help.
Alexander Kerensky: You had your chances. I sure hope I get mine.
View Quote Tsar Nicholas II: My decision stands. I have seen your conduct in public. I have read the reports. I am seeing you as a matter of courtesy, the same as I would for any of my ministers or like members of court. If you have come to plead...
Grigori Rasputin: I have come to say goodbye.
Tsar is somewhat taken aback that Rasputin wants to leave of his own volition
Grigori Rasputin: I don't like Saint Petersburg. It makes me drink. And when I drink, the women come on to me. I know these peasant women but in Petersburg, whew! I am homesick for Pokrovskoe. Is Matushka upset with me?
Tsar Nicholas II: She will not so much admit you take a drink, let alone...No.
Grigori Rasputin: She is a saint. If you need me while I am gone, just pretend that I am there. I only sit and listen anyway.
View Quote Tsar Nicholas II: So the concern is they don't understand Rasputin. You say I should do something to clear the air, sure. How about this for the announcement: "Citizens, your Tsarevitch could have a nosebleed and die from it!"
Prime Minister Stolypin: You have got to banish Rasputin, I cannot control the situation if you do not! People think he goes to bed with your wife and daughters, of all nasty rumors!
Tsar Nicholas II: The problem is if I kick out Rasputin what will happen for...
Tsaritsa Alexandra: Alexei!
[Tsar's family and Prime Minister Stolypin watch in horror as Alexei decides to climb a sea mount. Nagorny, a sailor in the Russian Navy has been assigned as Alexei's bodyguard, climbs sea mount after him. Alexei slips and falls but is grabbed by Nagorny in a bear hug]
Nagorny: Your Majesty, are you all right?
Tsarevitch Alexei: I am all right Nagorny, you caught me. You will always be there for me.
View Quote Tsar Nicholas II: What you have done for the Empire in the years since Witte retired has been nothing short of a miracle.
Prime Minister Stolypin: I am not the one holding Russia together, you are! Here are the plans for the Tricentennial Tour across all of Russia. The tour is going to be long and taxing, but it is important that the people see that the dynasty is permanent and strong.
Tsar Nicholas II: Anything else?
Prime Minister Stolypin: I have these as well. Stolypin produces a dossier Police reports about Grigori Efifvomitch Rasputin. Drunk half the time. Carousing with women all throughout Saint Petersburg. Whores, officer's wives, you name it. I was also shown these.
Stolypin shows Tsar anti-monarchy cartoons. One depicts a topless Tsaritsa and another shows the Tsar and Tsaritsa sitting in Rasputin's lap
Tsar Nicholas II: Damn it, what is wrong with the Ohkrana? Can't 10,000 secret agents find a printing press?
[Tsar crumples up cartoons and throws them into the Black Sea]
Prime Minister Stolypin: It is a network. The agents cannot find them all. You need to send Rasputin back to Pokrovskoe, or at least somewhere away from Petersburg. They are talking about it in the Duma.
Tsar Nicholas II: Damn that Witte! He made me give a parliament to the people.
Prime Minister Stolypin: I do not like the Duma any more than you do but it is better for the commoners to feel they have a voice in government instead of being wooed by the rebels. Still, people are wondering why you invite Rasputin to be around your family.
Tsar Nicholas II: You know why.
Prime Minister Stolypin: I do, but the people do not!
View Quote Tsarevitch Alexei: Why did you abdicate for me? You never asked!
Tsar Nicholas II: I did not want you to have to pay for my mistakes.
Tsarevitch Alexei: Am I not paying for them now? Are not we all?
View Quote Opening scene. The Tsaritsa is in labor as Dr. Botkin tends to her. The Tsar is waiting anxiously that the pregnancy is without issue
Count Fredericks: Great news!
Tsar Nicholas II: Is it a son?
Count Fredericks: Yes! Eight pounds.
Tsar Nicholas II: And Sunny, is she all right.
Count Fredericks: Indeed, Your Majesty. Shall I make the announcement?
Tsar nods and Count Fredericks departs. Tsar is tearing up with joy
Tsar Nicholas II{talking to himself}: It is incredible, I have a son!
View Quote [1914. The Tsar is sending and receiving telegrams to Kaiser Wilhelm II]
Military aide: Your Majesty, a telegram from the Kaiser. He offers his help in the Serbian mess.
Tsar Nicholas II: You see, I knew I could count on Willy!
Prime Minister Witte: With all due respect to your cousin, sire, the Kaiser is a deceitful megalomaniac. If he is offering to help us out, then we really need to start praying.
View Quote [Duma. It is now entirely full of Bolsheviks and has been renamed the Politburo]
Lenin: The Provisional Government has fallen! We now have power! At long last, we will build our new world order.
[Freeze frame as Lenin's face changes into a bust and the Soviet anthem plays]
View Quote [First World War. Colonel Volkov is reviewing the Imperial Army, which has in its ranks every man it can acquire, from teenage boys barely finishing adolesence to white-bearded old men. Colonel Volkov's mood is significantly less ****y from the 1914 party when he believed it would be a short war]
Colonel Volkov: The men have orders to be at the front lines by tonight. Do we have any horses or motor transport?
Russian Major: No, sir. None are available.
Colonel Volkov: Very well, they have to walk.
Russian Major: Right face!
[Russian soldiers turn to their right]
Russian Major: Forward march!
[The Major leads the soldiers in march towards combat zone. Colonel Volkov walks in opposite direction and reclines under a tree. He takes one last look at the sky as he unholsters his pistol, sticks it in his mouth, then squeezes the trigger]
View Quote [Following the assassination of Prime Minister Stolypin, a wave of police brutality occurs. Petya the factory worker is chased away after it is shown he has anti-monarchist cartoons under his bed. Scene changes to the Duma, where policemen are standing by to usher out the Duma members as the Tsar has ordered it dissolved]
Alexander Kerensky: Tell the Tsar that he can close this building, but he cannot silence the voice of the Russian commoners!
Members of the Duma [in unison]: Hear, hear!
Duma President: Mr. Kerensky, I have the floor. You are not to speak out of turn!
Alexander Kerensky: The Duma is not a street corner. We are not rebels and bombmakers. Most of us want a system similar to the English way. Let there be a Tsar. But let there also be the rule of law and reprenstative government as well. Bring the Tsar to us and let him be told that.
Members of the Duma [in unison]: Hear, hear!
Duma President: The Tsar is not here right now. He is at his hunting lodge in Poland.
Alexander Kerensky: I do not care if he is in Scotland shooting wild grouse! If he is not here, then go to the Tsar and tell him that by dissolving the Duma, he is bringing ruin on his head and emboldening the rebels. Tell him now! Tell him, while there is a Tsar still left to tell!