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Empress Dowager Marie: You have to stop being out here on the front lines and get back to Tsarskoe Selo, where you belong! Rasputin is in Saint Petersburg, running it all into the ground! If you do not act now, we will be ruined and madmen will come!
Tsar Nicholas II: What should I do?
Empress Dowager Marie: Hang him! Send him to the gallows! I do not wish ill on any man, but so many Russians are going to die if you do not!
Tsar Nicholas II: I cannot.
Empress Dowager Marie: Then send him to Siberia! Get back home, send Alexandra to Livadia and take charge of everything!
Tsar Nicholas II: Rasputin lives in Siberia. Besides, what am I to do when my son has a hemophilia attack and Sunny needs Rasputin's help?
Empress Dowager Marie: Do you believe that? Do you honestly and seriously believe that? Millions of Russians are going to starve to death and be murdered, and all because you cannot say no to your wife! In that case I ask you, Nicholas, what can you do?
Tsar Nicholas II: Just what I am doing.
Empress Dowager Marie: I wish your father were still alive. He would know what to do!
Tsar Nicholas II: Don't you dare throw him in my face!
Empress Dowager Marie: Why shouldn't I? He would have burned Vienna down, bombarded the Germans, hung the rebels, shot the strikers, anything to give Russia peace! And he would certainly know what to do about Rasputin! Your father knew how to be a Tsar!

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