N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

View Quote Lightning: Mater, just cut to the chase.
Mater: Okay, it's him! [points to Miles]
Miles: What? Me? You've got to be crazy.
Mater: I figured it out when I realized y'all attached this tickin' time bomb with Whitworth bolts. The same bolts that hold together that old British engine from the photograph. Holley, show that picture!
Holley: Okay. [holographically shows said photo of the mysterious hood engine]
Mater: And then I remembered what they said about old British Engines - "If there ain't no oil under 'em, there ain't no oil in 'em!"
Miles: What is he talking about?
Mater: It was you leakin' oil at the party in Japan! [flashback of Miles leaking oil, and blaming Mater] You just blamed it on me. [flashback ends]
Miles: Electric cars don't use oil, you twit!
Mater: Then you're fakin' it. You didn't convert to no electric. [realizes that he knows the truth, Miles backs away] We pop that hood, we gonna see that engine from that picture right there.
Miles: [panicking] This lorry's crazy! He's gonna kill us all! [backs up to the edge of the stage] STAY AWAY!
Holley: But Sir Axlerod created the race, Mater. Why would he want to hurt anyone?
Mater: To make Allinol look bad so everybody would go back to usin' oil. I mean, he said it himself with that disguised voice.
Miles: "Disguised voice"? What are you talking about?! YOU'RE NUTS, YOU ARE!
Prince Wheeliam: This is going nowhere fast. We really should go, Grandmother.
The Queen: One moment. I'd like to see where this is going. [bomb countdown reaches to 00:29.]
Finn: Mater, he created Allinol.
Mater: Yeah, but what if he found that huge oil field just as the world was tryin' to find something else? What if he came up with Allinol just to make alternative fuel look bad?
Miles: [bomb countdown reaches 00:19, 00:18.] "What if"? You're basing this on a "what if"?!
Security Guard: Okay, that's it! Lads, clear out! [the Queen and spectators evacuate]
Miles: Wait, somebody save me! The lorry's crazy! KEEP AWAY, YOU IDIOT!
Finn: Mater?!
Holley: [the bomb countdown reaches 00:09, 00:08.] Mater!
Miles: Someone, do something! [Mater stands his ground, glaring at Miles, while everyone braces for the explosion] YOU'RE INSANE, YOU ARE! [Bomb countdown 00:03, then 00:02. Axlerod shuts his eyes, screaming] DEACTIVATE!!!
[Countdown stops at 00:01 before explosion, causing it to say "Voice Accepted"]
Bomb Computer: Bomb deactivated. Have a nice day, Sir Axlerod. :) [Mater smiles in satisfaction. Axlerod is shocked at what he said, as police cars approach to arrest him. Mater pops open Axlerod's hood, revealing the mysterious V8 engine.]
Finn: The engine from the photo.
Holley: It's a perfect match. [brings up the image and does a match between Miles' and the blue one's]
Miles: [last lines] How did the tow truck figure it out?
Lightning: It's official, you’re coming to all my races from now on.
Mater: Now you're talkin'!
View Quote Luigi: Oh, Lightning! Welcome home!
Flo: Good to have you back, honey.
Fillmore: Congratulations, man!
Sarge: Welcome home, Soldier.
Sheriff: This place wasn’t the same without you, son.
Lizzie: What? Did he go somewhere?
Lightning: It’s good to be home, everybody. [hears Mater’s horn and sees him coming] Mater.
Mater: McQueen! [Otis shrieks]
Lightning: Mater!
Mater: McQueen!
[Mater halts, making Otis flung into Ramone's House of Body Art, and stops on a hydraulic lift.]
Ramone: Hey, how far'd you make it this time, Otis?
Otis: Halfway... [panting] to the county line.
Ramone: Ooh, not bad, man! [turns on the lift for Otis]
Otis: I know! I can't believe it either!
Mater: McQueen, welcome back! [they fist bump with their front wheels]
Lightning: Mater, it’s good to see you!
Mater: You too, buddy, oh man, you ain’t gonna believe the things. I got planned for us.
Mack: Oh, these best friends greetings, they get longer every year.
Mater: You ready to have some serious fun?
Lightning: Well, actually I’ve got something to show you first.
[cut to Mater noticing McQueen's Hudson Hornet Piston Cup, honoring Doc Hudson who, like Paul Newman, died]
Mater: Wow! I can’t believe they renamed the Piston Cup after our very own Doc Hudson!
View Quote Mater: [after freeing himself by using his Gatling guns] I gotta get y'all out of there!
Finn: There’s no time! McQueen needs your help, Mater.
Mater: But I can’t! I’m just a tow truck!
Finn: It’s up to you. Go to the pits and get everyone out! You can do that.
Mater: What about you guys?
Finn: We’ll be okay.
Holley: Go and get some more dents, Mater.
[Mater bursts out of Big Ben and starts speeding to the pits]
Holley: So, we’ll be okay? Really?
Finn: He wouldn’t have left if I’d told him the truth.
[The clock goes downward]
Finn: Argh! Being killed by a clock. Gives a whole new meaning to “Your time has come.”
[At this mention, Holley gets an idea]
Holley: Time? That’s it!
[Holley spies a gear box at 20ft down. She fries her electroshock device, but she misses. She recoils them back.]
Finn: [captured with Holley in the Big Bentley clock] What are you doing?
Holley: Trying to turn back time.
[The clock goes downward even more]
Holley: If I can just reverse the polarity...
[Holley’s electroshockers strikes the gear box, and Big Ben begins moving backwards]
Finn: Good job! Quick thinking, Holley!
[As Big Ben goes backwards even more, Mater zooms toward London]
Mater: What’s everybody on the wrong side of the road for?
[Finn and Holley are moving in the opposite direction, toward ANOTHER GEAR! And it's going FASTER. They're seconds from a crushing death...]
Holley: Oh, no!
Finn: Drive!
[Finn and Holley drive fast as they can]
Finn: Burn rubber!!
[Finn and Holley drive harder, separating both bumpers with enough room for the gear to SNAP THEIR ROPES! Finn and Holley's tires spin, they both LAUNCH off in opposite directions, and LAND HARD on opposing platforms.]
Finn: We’ve got to get out to the course! Calculate the fastest way to...
Holley: [wings are suddenly appearing out of her] Done!
Finn: [impressed] Oh, Miss Shiftwell.
Holley: They're standard issue now.
Finn: You kids get all the good hardware.
[They turn to leave, but when they stop, they see something. It's an air filter on the ground.]
Holley: Oh, no. That’s Mater's.
Finn: I knew his escape was too easy.
View Quote Mater: Holley! Finn! Where are we?
Finn: We're in London, Mater. Inside Big Bentley.
[Mater, tied up in ropes, suddenly drops, the clock's gears lowering him several meters; a gear Finn and Holley tied in brings them closer to an intersecting gear]
Mater: Oh, this...this is all my fault.
Finn: Don't be a fool, Mater.
Mater: But I am, remember? You said so.
Finn: When did I-? Oh. Mater, I was complimenting you on what a good spy you are.
Mater: [angrily] I'M NOT A SPY! [this echoes throughout the clock; slumps in defeat] I've been tryin' ta tell you that the whole time. I really am just a tow truck.
Holley: [taking this in] Finn, he's not joking.
Finn: I know.
Mater: You were right, Finn. I'm a fool. And what's happened to McQueen is 'cause I'm such a big one. This is all my fault.
[Grem and Acer arrive on a lift, roll into view on a catwalk]
Grem: Good, you're up!
Acer: And just in time.
Grem: Professor Z wanted you to have a front row seat for the death of Lightning McQueen.
Mater: He's still alive?
Acer: [whips a sheet away for the WGP Camera in the clock's face] Not for much longer.
[Mater suddenly drops more towards the gears; the gear Finn and Holley tied in brings them closer to the intersecting gear that would crush them]
View Quote Miles Axlerod: And now, our last competitor. Number 95: Lightning McQueen!
Lightning: Ka-chow! Thank you so much for having us, Sir Axlerod. I really look forward to racing. This is a great opportunity.
Miles: The pleasure's all ours, Lightning. You and your team bring excellence and professionalism to this competition.
Mater: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Someone give me water! Aah! [sticks his tongue underneath the waterfall] Oh, sweet relief. Sweet relief. [now sated, approaches the microphone] Whatever you do, do not eat the free pistachio ice cream. It has turned. [echoes]
Lightning: Sir Axlerod, I can explain. This is Mater. He's--
Miles: No, I know him. This is the bloke that called in to the television show. You're the one I have to thank.
Mater: No, thank you. This trip has been amazing.
[Miles leaks oil and blames it on Mater, tells Mater off]
Miles: Ah! He's a little excited, isn't he?
Lightning: Mater!
Mater: But wait, I-- Oh, shoot!
Lightning: Mater.
Miles: Uh, have you got a towel?
Lightning: Mater, you have to get a hold of yourself. You're making a scene!
Mater: But I never leak oil. Never.
Lightning: Go take care of yourself right now. [Mater shamefully drives away]
Mater: [now speeding] Comin' through! Excuse me. Leakin' Oil. Where's the bathroom? Thank you. I gotta go. Oh, uh-- Uh-- [goes into the ladies' bathroom, the women cars scream in embarrassment] Sorry, ladies!
View Quote Miles: [in his disguised voice as the Lemon Mastermind] Welcome, everyone, I wish I could be with you on this very special day, but... my clutch assembly broke. You know how it is.
Tubbs: Been there.
J. Curby: Forget about it.
Vladmir: We know how you feel.
Finn: Descramble that voice!
Holley: I’m trying... Oh, it’s too sophisticated!
View Quote Uncle Topolino: There were even some non-Ferrari fights. So tell me them, va bene. It’s okay to fight. Everybody fights now and then, especially best friends. But you got to make up fast. No fight more important than friendship. Chi trova un'amico, trova un tesoro.
Lightning: What does that mean?
Mama Topolino: "Whoever find a friend, find a treasure." Now manga! Eat!
View Quote [A fishing vessel is sailing on the open ocean at night, completely alone.]
Crabby: Alright, buddy, we're here. Right where you paid me to bring you. Question is, "Why"?
Finn McMissile: [comes out from the shadows on Crabby's stern deck] I'm looking for a car.
Crabby: A car? Heh! Hey, pal. You can't get any further away from land than out here.
Finn: Exactly where I want to be.
Crabby: Well, I got news for you buddy. There's nobody out here but us.
Tony Trihull: [blows his horn] What are you doing out here?
Crabby: What does it look like, genius? I'm crabbin'!
Tony: Well, turn around. And go back where you came from.
Crabby: Yeah? And who's gonna make me? [Tony reveals his bow-mounted missile turret] All right! All right! Don't get your prop in a twist! [Crabby turns away and begins sailing back] What a jerk! Sorry, buddy. Looks like it's the end of the line. Buddy?
View Quote [First lines]
Leland Turbo: This is Agent Leland Turbo. I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile. [Walt Disney Pictures presents] Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped. [a Pixar Animation Studios film] You won't believe what I've found out here. This is bigger than anything we've ever seen. And no one even knows it exists! Finn, I need back-up, but don't call the cavalry, it could blow the operation, and be careful. It's not safe out here.
Acer: [off-screen] Let's go!
Leland Turbo: Transmitting my grids now. Good luck! [the title starts]
View Quote [Last lines]
Francesco: [sees Mater fly past him] Impossibile!
Lightning: [seeing Mater rocket up to him] Mater?!
Mater: Check it out! They let me keep the rockets!
Lightning: I'll see you at the finish line, buddy!
Mater: Not if I see you first! [together, they zoom off.]
Then Mater and Holley have cute purple truck babies.
View Quote [Lightning is missing Mater at the race in Italy as the racers gather at the finish line]
Francesco: [Notices Lightning is sad.] Francesco understands this, McQueen.
Lightning: Oh, great. Here it comes. What've you got, Francesco?
Francesco: For famous race cars like Francesco and, well... you, to be far away from home, is not easy.
Lightning: [sarcastically] I think you forgot the insulting part of that insult.
Francesco: [emotionally] It's-a no insult! When Francesco is away from home, he misses his mama! Just like you miss your tow truck, amico.
Lightning: [impressed] Gee, I maybe misjudged you, because that's exactly how I--
Francesco: [smiling] Of course! I am at home! And my mama is right here! [points and waves at a vintage Ferrari in the crowd who is smiling, blowing kisses and waving back] Mama! Don't worry, Mama! McQueen is very sad! I will beat his cry-baby bottom today!
Lightning: And... there's the insult we were missing. Grazie!
View Quote [Meanwhile, the flashback begins with Mater looks at the flashbacks]
Mater: "Idiot"? Is that how you see me?
Finn: That’s how everyone see you. I tell you, that’s the genius of it. Nobody realizes they’re being fooled. Because they’re too busy laughing at the fool.
[Mater opens the door like Gates of Heaven. The first flashbacks in crowd in Tokyo, Japan]
Mater: Excuse me! Domo arigato!
[At the second flashback...]
Mater: [Knocks the window] You done good. You got all the leaves.
Jeff: Check out that tow truck.
Lewis: Man, I wonder who that guy's with.
Lightning: Will you guys excuse me, just a one little second.
[At the third flashback...]
Mater: Now that's a scoop of ice cream.
Sushi Chef: [In Japanese] My condolences.
[Mater eats the Wasabi Ice Cream. And then running to the water. At the fourth flashback...]
Mater: Someone give me water! [sticks his tongue underneath the waterfall] Oh, sweet relief.
Lightning: Mater.
[Francesco and the WGP Racers laughing at Mater. At the fifth flashback...]
Mater: But I never leak oil. Never.
Lightning: Mater, you have to get a hold of yourself. You're making a scene!
[At the sixth flashback...]
Mater: [noticing Lightning's angry glare] Wait a minute. I didn't screw you up, did I?
Lightning: [angrily] I LOST THE RACE BECAUSE OF YOU!!
Mater: Maybe if I talk to somebody...
Lightning: I don't need your help. I don't want your help.
[Mater is sad after the flashbacks. Then the final flashback with Mater banging the gong with everyone laughing.]
Mater: Band that gong! Get it on!
Lightning: [offscreen] Listen, this isn't Radiator Springs. This is exactly why I don't bring you along to these things!
[Mater is shocked and dream ends. Mater wakes up inside the Big Ben in London, England.]
View Quote [The camera shows McQueen, Francesco and Carla on the podium as they get interviewed]
Photographer: Francesco!
Darrell: Francesco, over here. Hey, what was your strategy today?
Francesco: Strategia? Francesco needs-a no strategy, it’s-a very simple: You start the race, wait for Lightning McQueen to choke, pass him, then win. Francesco always-a wins, it’s a boring. [Lightning rolls his eyes.]
Darrell: I gotta tell you dude, you were in trouble for awhile. That dirt track section had you crawlin’. [Lightning notices Mater leaving and sneaks off.]
Francesco: To truly crush one’s dream, you must first raise their hopes very high.
Lightning: [meets up with Mater in his pit garage] MATER!
Mater: Hey, McQueen! What happened, is the race over? You won, right?
Lightning: Mater, why were you yelling things at me while I was racing?!
Mater: "Yellin'"? Oh, you thought... [chuckles] Oh! That's funny right there. Naw. See, that's 'cause I seen these two fellers doing some sort of karate street performance. It was nut so. One of 'em even had a flamethrower...
Lightning: [with worry and disbelief] "A flamethrower"? What are you talking about? I-I don't understand, where were you?
Mater: Goin' to meet my date.
Lightning: [confused] Your date?
Mater: She started talkin' to me as a voice in my head, tellin' me where to go–-
Lightning: What?
Mater: [noticing Lightning's angry glare] Wait a minute. I didn't screw you up, did I?
Lightning: [angrily] I lost the race because of you!
Mater: [shocked] Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Lightning: An imaginary girlfriend? Flamethrowers? You know, this is exactly why I don't bring you along to these things!
Mater: Maybe if I, I don't know... talk to somebody, and explain what happened, I could help.
Lightning: I don't need your help. I don't want your help. [drives off, but is stopped by the paparazzi and Mater is upset]
Reporter 1: Hey, there he is!
Reporter 2: McQueen, you had it in the bag!
Reporter 3: Yeah, what happened?
Lightning: I-I made a mistake, but I can assure you, it won't happen again. [Mater drives over to the TV monitors; he slumps] Look, guys. We know what the problem is, and we've taken care of it! [Mater sadly drives away]
Brent: [on TV] Lightning McQueen loses in the last lap to Francesco Bernoulli in the first race of the World Grand Prix. And three, count em', three cars flamed out, leaving some to suggest that their fuel, Allinol, might be to blame.
Miles: [interviewed] Allinol is safe! Alternative fuel is safe! There is no way my fuel caused these cars to flame out!
Darrell: Well, the jury may still be out on whether allinol caused these accidents, but one thing's for sure: Lightning McQueen blew this race!
Brent: Team McQueen can’t be happy right now.
View Quote [Last words] How did the tow truck figure it out?
View Quote Francesco always-a wins. It's-a boring.