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Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok quotes

55 total quotes

View Quote [Last words] Remember this place, Home.
View Quote [Sees Valkyrie's tattoo] My God, you're a Valkyrie! You know, I always wanted to be a Valkyrie when I was younger, until I found out that you were all...women. There's nothing wrong with women, of course. I love women, sometimes a little too much. Not even in a creepy way, just more of a respectful appreciation. I think it's great that there is an elite force of women warriors. [Valkyrie looks at him] It's about time. [Gives her a thumbs-up]
View Quote [Upon seeing Hulk for the first time since New York] I have to get off this planet...
View Quote And we need one with cup holders, 'cause we're going to die. SO, DRINKS!
View Quote Does no-one remember me? [Awaits an answer] Has no-one been taught our history? Look at these lies. Goblets and garden parties? Peace treaties? Odin... proud to have it... ashamed of how he got it. We were unstoppable. I was his weapon in the conquest that built Asgard's empire. One by one, the realms became ours. But then, simply because my ambition outgrew his...he banished me. Caged me. Locked me away like an animal. Before that, Asgard's warriors were honored, their bodies buried as heroes beneath this very place.
View Quote I am Hela, Odin's firstborn, commander of the legions of Asgard, the rightful heir to the throne and the Goddess of Death. My father is dead. As are the princes. You're welcome.
View Quote I just get so angry all the time. Hulk always... always angry.
View Quote In the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel. But this time it's like he had the keys to the car and I was locked in the trunk!
View Quote It hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to. Being told you're one thing and then learning it's all a fiction. [Thor throws an object at Loki, revealing him to be an illusion] You didn't think I'd really come and see you, did you? This place is disgusting. Does this mean you don't want my help? Look, I couldn't jeopardize my position with the Grandmaster, it took me time to win his trust. He's a lunatic, but he can be amenable. What I'm telling you is, you could join me at the Grandmaster's side. Perhaps, in time, an accident befalls the Grandmaster, and then... [Makes a gesture of takeover] [Korg: Piss off, ghost!]
View Quote Look, I've spent years, in a haze, trying to forget my past. Sakaar seemed like the best place to drink, and forget and to die, one day. I don't plan to stop drinking, but I don't wanna forget. I can't turn away anymore. So, if I'm gonna die, well, it may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag.
View Quote Okay. How many PhDs does Hulk have? Zero! How many PhDs does Banner have? Seven!
View Quote She's too strong. Without my hammer, I can't.
View Quote The damage is not too bad. As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe. [Its core pierced by Surtur's giant flaming sword, Asgard explodes.] Oof. Now those foundations are gone. Sorry.
View Quote There was one time when we were children, he... he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So I went to pick up the snake to admire it, and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "BLERGH, IT'S ME!" And he stabbed me. We were the time. [Loki smiles fondly at the memory]
View Quote What would you like me to say, hmm? You faked your own death. You stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power, stranded him on Earth to die, releasing the Goddess of Death. Have I said enough, or would you like me to go farther than the past two days?