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[Snowbell sits Stuart down on a branch]
Stuart: Snowbell, you saved me?
Snowbell: Yeah, yeah. Look, let's get one thing straight. I'm doing this for the Littles. They used to love you. George says he used to love you. They're all miserable without you.
Stuart: But, Snowbell, you said--
Snowbell: I know what I said, I... I lied, okay? Welcome to Manhattan. I'm the one that hates you more than anything.
Stuart: Oh, Snowbell. You do care! [hugs his front leg]
Snowbell: Ugh. Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay, that's enough.
Monty: [arriving with the other cats] Snow, what's he doin' to your leg? I can't help to think this is wrong.
Smokey: What the Hell's goin' on here?
Snowbell: Uh, look, Smokey, uh, call me fickled, but... I want to call this whole thing off, okay?
Smokey: Too late.
Snowbell: Come on, Smokey, can't we talk it over? You know, Stuart's not so bad once you get to know him, and he's got his own car.
Smokey: Careful, house cat. You're askin' for it.
Monty: Snow, what are you doin'? Come on, he's just a mouse.
Snowbelll: He's not just a mouse. He's-- He's-- He's family.
Smokey: Oh, yeah! [laughing hysterically] I could see the resemblance! [he and the other cats laugh hysterically]
Stuart: [angrily] Is that what you think? You have to look alike to be family? [the cats abruptly stop laughing] You don't have to look alike. You don't even have to like each other. Look at Snowbell: He hates me, and still, he's tryin' to save me. And I hate him too. He decides to never speak to me again. Sure, you'll probably scratch him up pretty bad, you'd tear him to shreds; you may even kill him... [Snowbell gulps] ...but Snowbell will not run away, and that is what family is all about. Right...Snow?
Snowbell: [chuckles nervously] Maybe "Family"'s too strong a word.
Smokey: Scratch 'em both!
Snowbell: Both?!

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