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Bobby Dagen: Joyce!
Joyce: Bobby! I knew you'd make it. I knew you'd find me.
Bobby Dagen: I'm so sorry.
Joyce: I knew you could do it!
Bobby Dagen: [runs down the platform] I just got to get you...
Joyce: Get me out!
[Bobby grabs one of the wires surrounding Joyce, which shocks him and knocks him backwards]
Joyce: Bobby! There's got to be another way!
[Billy appears on a TV]
Tape: Hello, Bobby. You have almost completed your rebirth. However, your final task will be your most difficult. The woman before you symbolizes your success. She is your trophy, and she has seen the good in your message, despite its dishonest beginnings.
Joyce: What's he talking about?
Tape: Today, we will see if you can truly earn her love.
Joyce: Bobby?
Tape: To prove your status as a survivor, you must overcome a game that should be all too familiar. You supposedly survived it once already, so it should be easy to survive once again. Pierce the hooks through your chest muscles and the game will begin. In order to free yourself and your wife, you must hoist yourself with these chains and connect the extension cords above you before the clock expires. Both hands will be needed to complete this task, but that should be simple. For, as you claimed to understand, the pectoral muscles can easily support your weight. So I ask you, Bobby: when you embrace every day as if it is your last, will it be with your wife? Make your choice.
Joyce: What's he talking about?
Bobby Dagen: [holding one of the chains] Baby, I'm so sorry. I lied. I was never in a trap.

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