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Reporter: Welcome back. We're live with Bobby Dagen, whose national tour, "Survive: My Story of Overcoming Jigsaw," rolls into town this weekend. Now, you're quite the national phenomenon these days, aren't you?
Bobby Dagen: Well, thank you, Pam. It's quite flattering how many people have responded to my story and if I can help a few people along the way, then I'm pleased.
Reporter: Now, you survived a trap created by the infamous Jigsaw Killer. Correct?
Bobby Dagen: Yes, ma'am.
Reporter: Well, everyone must ask you this question: what was that like?
Bobby Dagen: [pause] Life changing. It was something I never anticipated. Quite honestly, something that should've killed me.
Reporter: Tell me more. Tell me about the actual experience.
Bobby Dagen: I-I-I actually have no recollection of how I got there. I just remember the feeling of waking up trapped. I had to insert two hooks into my pectoral muscles and hoist myself up to a platform.
Reporter: You put the hooks in yourself?
Bobby Dagen: I did. I pretty much realized I couldn't hold on much longer, and I had to accept the fact that I was going to die. And then I saw something. And what I saw was my life. It was... it was a tragedy. I achieved nothing. Right then. Something inside me started to grow, something from the bottom of my soul and, I just - I decided to live. I found the strength I'd long thought had expired, and I just yanked, and I yanked, and when I got to the top, I just ripped the hooks out of my chest. It was-it was- there was blood everywhere and I just screamed. I just sat there and screamed. Because I hadn't just survived. I was reborn. This was my life!

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