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[Maggie, Susan and Verbena enter the house]
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Oh, it was just wonderful!
Sharon McKendrick: [coming down the stairs] Mother! Oh, I'm so glad you came! [Sharon and Maggie hug] Oh! You look wonderful! What'd you do to yourself?
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Do you like it?
Sharon McKendrick: Oh, I love it!
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Oh darling! [Maggie hugs Sharon again] Oh! Finally! Both of you together at last. What do you think of each other?
Sharon McKendrick: Fine.
Susan Evers: We love each other!
Sharon McKendrick: Hi, Sue.
Susan Evers: Hi.
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: [Addressing Sharon] Oh and just look at you! That short hair.
Susan Evers: I cut it, Mother.
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: You know, I like it.
Sharon McKendrick: Oh, and I love yours, Mother.
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Where's your father?
Sharon McKendrick: Oh, he's out somewhere on a horse.
Susan Evers: [to Sharon] Are we in time?
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: [to Susan] Time?
Sharon McKendrick: [to Susan] Didn't you tell her? [Susan shakes her head, no]
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Tell me what?
Susan Evers: Well ...
Sharon McKendrick: Dad's getting married.
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Well. When is all this taking place?
Verbena: Saturday, supposedly. [Maggie looks away, anxiously]
Sharon McKendrick: She just sort of infiltrated, Mother. And before you knew it, Dad was hooked.
Verbena: If you ask me, Mr. Evers is slipping into his second childhood.
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Oh your father is old enough to know what he's doing. Shall we go upstairs and get unpacked? I'm just dying to get into a hot shower after that long plane trip.
[Chatter as they all move up the stairs]

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