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[Ben and Abigail run into each other at Buckingham Palace]
Abigail: Ben.
Ben: Abigail.
Riley: [over headset] Abigail? What's she doing here?
Ben: What're you doing here?
Abigail: Your dad called me. Said your next clue was here.
Riley: [over headset] She's really there?
Abigail: Look Ben.
Riley: [over headset] Drop Her, lose her.
Abigail: I want to help.
Ben: That's very nice. But it's kind of a bad time right now.
Abigail: A bad time right now.
Ben: It's a bad time.
Abigail: Okay, I...I just flew all the way to London to offer my help...
Riley: [over headset] Ben, remember the plan.
Abigail: And what you've decided is that you don't need it.
Ben: You're the one who's making a scene right now.
Abigail: I...I'm not making a scene right now!
Riley: [over headset] No, we want to make a scene.
Ben: Well then, fine! If that's what you want, let's have it out right now!
Riley: [over headset] Ah, so subtle.
Abigail: [quietly murmurs] Ben...
Ben: Well let me guess! It's the wrong time! It's the wrong place! I'm wrong again! Wrong about us! Wrong about Thomas Gates! Wrong that you'd like the Queen Anne chair!
Abigail: You're wrong to assume I'd like the chair!
Ben: You see? You see everybody? Listen to this. This is more interesting than that. She thinks that even when I'm right, I'm wrong! Isn't that right! Abigail, just because I answer a question quickly, doesn't make it wrong!
Abigail: Not if the right answer is something we need to figure out together, as a couple! That's what couples do, Ben!
1st Security Guard: Sir, you and your missis, take it outside.
Ben: Oh, now look what you've done. You've brought the little bobbies down on us! "You take the missis outside." I'm staying right here.
Abigail: Ben!
Ben: [slides down banister] Wheeeee!
2nd Security Guard: [stops Ben abruptly] Good afternoon, sir.
Ben: [mocking English accent] 'Ello!
2nd Security Guard: [smells Ben's breath] Been drinking, have we?
Ben: Just a nip! Just popped down to the pub for a pint, bit of all right! Going to arrest a man for that? Going to detain a blighter for enjoying his whis-key?!
2nd Security Guard: That's enough, sir.
Ben: Bangers and mash.
2nd Security Guard: Sir...
Ben: Bubble and squeak.
2nd Security Guard: What?
Ben:Smoked eel pie.
2nd Security Guard: Sir, you--
2nd Security Guard: That's it! Dismount the banister!
Ben: [is taken away by security] I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Here they are all standing in a row. Small ones, big ones, some as big as your head!
Riley: That was... brilliant.

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