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[Due to an argument between Mike and Sulley, the latter accidentally knocks down the Dean’s scream canister and breaks it]
Mike: I’m so sorry (about your canister).
Sulley: (I didn't mean to knock it over.) It was an accident.
Dean: What, this? My souvenir from a lifetime of scaring? Accidents happen, don’t they? The important thing is: no one got hurt.
Mike: You’re taking this remarkably well.
Dean: Now, let’s continue the exams. [to Mike] Mr. Wazowski, I’m a 5-year-old girl on a farm in Kansas afraid of lightning. Which scare do you use?
Mike: [confused] Should I go up on the...?
Dean: Which scare do you use?
Mike: That is a shadow approach with a crackle holler.
Dean: Demonstrate. [Mike inhales deeply] Stop. Thank you.
Mike: I didn't get to sh–
Dean: I've seen enough. [to Sulley] I am a 7-year-old boy– [Sulley roars loudly] I wasn't finished.
Sulley: I don’t need to know any of that stuff to scare.
Dean: That “stuff” would have informed you that this particular child is afraid of snakes, so a roar wouldn’t make him scream, it would make him cry, alerting his parents, exposing the monster world, destroying life as we know it, and of course, we can’t have that, so I’m afraid I can not recommend that you continue in the scaring program. Good day.
Sulley: Wait, what? But I'm a Sullivan.
Dean: Well, I'm sure your family will be very disappointed. [ROR leaves the class; Sulley looks at Mike angrily and storms out of the class] And Mr. Wazowski, what you lack is something that cannot be taught. You're not scary. You will not be continuing in the scaring program.
Mike: Please, let me try out the simulator. I will surprise you!
Dean: Surprise me? I doubt that very much.

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