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[Thomas and Gally are walking to the Pit, a set of separate holes dug in the ground and covered by a wood shelter and bamboo cage doors.]
Thomas: Hey, what is your problem with me?
Gally: Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby, and now the girl.
[Thomas and Gally arrive at the Pit.]
Gally: Everybody saw she recognized you. And I'm betting you know who she is.
[Thomas and Gally look at each other before Gally opens the door of the Pit. Thomas goes into the Pit and Gally closes the door of the Pit and crouches down to fasten the ropes that "lock" the Pit shut.]
Thomas: Gally, you know we can't stay here forever, right?
[Thomas and Gally look at each other before Gally gets up, picks his torch up, and walks away, with Thomas watching on from the door of the Pit. Later, a torchlight comes into view as someone approaches the Pit.]
Thomas: Who's there?
Chuck: It's just me.
Thomas: Sorry, Chuck.
Chuck: [Handing a water bottle and food down] Here. You'll run better on a full stomach.
Thomas: Thanks, Chuck. [Noticing the object in Chuck's hand] Hey, what do you got there? [Chuck shows it to Thomas. It's a small carved stone figure] Oh, that came out pretty damn good. What's that from?
Chuck: It's from my parents.
Thomas: Do you remember your parents?
Chuck: No. well, I mean, I know I must have them. And wherever they are, I'm sure they miss me. But I can't miss them back because I don't remember them. [Looks out towards the walls of the Maze] What do you think you're gonna find out there tomorrow?
Thomas: I don't know. But if there's a way out, Chuck, me and Minho are gonna find it.
Chuck: Here. [Hands Thomas his figurine]
Thomas: Chuck, why would you give this to me?
Chuck: Can't remember them anyway. But maybe if you can find a way out you can give it to them for me. [Gets up to leave] Well, get you some sleep.
Thomas: Hey, Chuck? Come here. [Chuck comes back] Hold out your hand. [Chuck does. Thomas presses the figurine back into his hand] I want you to give that to them yourself. We're gonna get out of here. All of us. Okay? I promise.

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