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Po: Momma? Mom? Dad? Is that you? Mom, Dad!
Dad Panda: Oh.. Hi! Hey-Hey.. Son, you are back.
Mom Panda: Huh? Honey, what you doing here?
Po: But I thought..
Mom Panda: We replaced you, dear, with this lovely radish.
Po: Radish!?
Dad Panda: It's quiet, polite, and frankly.. It does better kung fu.
Po: No.. No, no, no! Wait! Radish, radish, radish! Inner pea.. pea.. Inner peace. Inner peace, inner peace, inner peace... I'm... Training.
Tigress: The mast is not a worthy opponent. I'm ready.
Po: Okay.. So serious! I think I prefer the mast.
Tigress: Apologies. I used to punch the ironwood trees by the palace to train. Now, I feel nothing.
Po: That's severely cool!
Tigress: Again!
Po: [training with Tigress on the boat] So, um, this punching ironwood trees, how long did you have to do that?
Tigress: 20 years.
Po: Oh! 20... 20 years. Is there any... you know, a faster way? You know, until you'll, you know, don't feel anything?
Tigress: No. Besides... [twists Po's fist, spins him in the air and lands on the floor; then smiles, watching Po's belly bounces to stop] I don't think hard style is... your thing.
Po: Oh.
Tigress: Po, why are you really out here?
Po: I just found out that my dad... isn't really my dad.
Tigress: Your dad, the goose? [Po nods; deadpan] That must have been quite a shock, and this bothers you?
Po: Are you kidding me? We're warriors, right? Nerves of steel, souls of Platinum. Like you. So hard core, you don't feel anything!
Tigress: I was…
Mantis: So, what you guys talking about?
Po: Nothing. Nothing!
Viper: Po's having daddy's issues.
Mantis: I'm so lucky, I don't have any problems with my dad. Maybe it's 'cause Mom ate his head before I was born. I don't know!
Viper: Mantis, this isn't about you! Po is the one freaking out.
Po: I'm not freaking out.
Tigress: Po...
Po: I'm freaking in.
Tigress: Po!
Po: What?
Tigress: We're here. Gongmen city!

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