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Shen: [enters the courtyard of his family palace] Good afternoon, gentlemen! Now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, please leave my house.
Master Ox: Your house?
Shen: Yes, didn't you see the pea**** on the front door? [spots the Soothsayer] Ah, there you are, Soothsayer. It seems your fortune-telling skills are not as good as you thought.
Soothsayer: We shall see, Shen.
Shen: [under his breath] No, you shall see, old goat. [aloud, to the Council] Where were we?
Master Rhino: What do you want, Shen?
Shen: What is rightfully mine... Gongmen City!
Master Rhino: Gongmen is under the stewardship of the Masters' Council and we will protect it, even from you.
Shen: [laughs] I'm so glad you feel that way! Otherwise, I'd have dragged that here for nothing. [indicating his wolf army dragging a rather large box on a cart]
Master Ox: What's in the box, Shen?
Shen: You want to see? It's a gift. It's your parting gift, in that it'll part you; part of you here, part of you there, and part of you way over there, staining the wall!
Master Ox: You insolent fool!
[Ox attacks, but is quickly brought down; Croc moves in, deflecting Shen's fan of blades. Finally, Rhino pushes Shen back with his hammer, knocking several of his fan blades away.]
Shen: [sneering] Show-off.
Master Rhino: That is a warning. You are no match for our Kung Fu.
Shen: I agree. [grins wickedly] But this is! [flips backwards onto the box, revealing a massive cannon. Rhino takes a defensive stance... as Shen fires it.]

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