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[Joanna returns to New York]
Joanna Kramer: All my life I've felt like...somebody's wife or somebody's mother, somebody's daughter. Even all the time we were together I never knew who I was. And that's why I had to go away. And in California, I think I found myself. I got myself a job. I got myself a therapist, a really good one. And I feel better about myself than I ever have in my whole life. I learned a great deal about myself.
Ted Kramer: Such as?... No, really, I'd really like to know what you learned.
Joanna Kramer: Well, I've learned that I love my little boy. And that I'm capable of taking care of him.
Ted Kramer: What do you mean?
Joanna Kramer: I want my son.
Ted Kramer: You can't have him
Joanna Kramer: Don't get defensive. Don't try to bully me.
Ted Kramer: I'm not getting defensive. Who walked out 15 months ago?
Joanna Kramer: I don't care. I'm still his mother.
Ted Kramer: Yeah, from 300 miles away. And because you sent post cards gives you the right to come back?
Joanna Kramer: I never stopped wanting him.
Ted Kramer: What makes you sure he wants you?
Joanna Kramer: What makes you sure he doesn't want me?
Ted Kramer: Okay look. We're gonna sit here and bat this back and forth. It's like old times.
Joanna Kramer: You can't deny me...
Ted Kramer: Don't tell me what I can or cannot do! Don't talk to me that way!
Joanna Kramer: I anticipated this.
Ted Kramer: Okey look, I don't want to hear this. Do what you have to. I'll do what I have to.
Joanna Kramer: Fine... I am very sorry about this.
Ted Kramer: Okey, just do what you have to do.

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