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[the ribcage tram gets stuck midway down the chasm, forcing Manny, Diego, Crash, and Eddie to hold their breath]
Eddie: [couldn't hold his breath any longer] I can't take it anymore!
Crash: [points to Eddie] He breathed it! [gasps] And now I'm breathing it!
[Crash and Eddie start choking for a few seconds]
Eddie: [in squeaky voice] Hey! We're not dead!
Crash: [also in squeaky voice] You sound ridiculous!
Eddie: Me? You should hear you! [they both start laughing] All right, all right. And a 1, and a 2!
Crash and Eddie: [singing] ♪ Christmas, Christmas time is here. ♪
Manny: [while holding breath] Stop! Are you crazy?
[Crash and Eddie giggle, while Diego takes a breath of the gas]
Diego: [in high-pitched voice] It's not poison. Huh? [laughs, Crash and Eddie laugh as well]
Crash: That is so disturbing!
Buck: Stop laughing! All of you!
Crash: [imitating Buck] "Stop laughing! All of you!"
[Crash and Eddie laugh some more, and then shush]
Manny: [in squeaky voice, imitating Buck] "What's rule #1?" [They all laugh while Buck scowls at them]
Ellie: They're just laughing. What's so bad about that?
Buck: They died laughing! [he points to a bunch of skeletons on the ground below with jaws agape; Ellie gasps]
Ellie: Stop laughing!
Manny: You know what's funny, though? We're trying to save Sid, and now we're all gonna die! [they all laugh hysterically]
Eddie: And I don't even like Sid!
Crash: Who does?! He's an idiot! [they laugh some more]
Diego: Thanks for getting me into this mess. It's the most fun I've had in years!
Manny: [sarcastically] Thank you for deserting the herd! THAT WAS TOTALLY SUPER! [pause; they all laugh yet again until a thud is heard] [reaches up and tickles Buck with his trunk] Cootchie-cootchie-coo!
Buck: Stop that! [gasps] Don't you see?! [in squeaky voice] We're all gonna die! [everyone laughs, including Buck]
Ellie: [sighs] We gotta do everything, huh?
[pulls down a tree, bringing the tram down towards her]
Eddie: Sometimes, I wet my bed!
Crash: That's all right. Sometimes, I wet your bed!
[they all laugh once more until they fall off the tram and see Ellie looking at them]
Manny: [In normal voice] Uh... I'm not sure how much of that you could hear.
Ellie: Oh, I heard all of it.
Manny: Right. Yeah.
Eddie: [In normal voice] You wet my bed?
Crash: [In normal voice] That was gas talk, dude.
Manny: Well, uh, better get moving. [Buck laughs hysterically in the Chasm of Death]
Diego: [In normal voice] Aren't we forgetting something?
Buck: [squeaky voice] Here, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy! [laughs] I'm so lonely.

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