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Buck: [stopping Manny and the herd from moving on] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! What, you-you think this is some sort of tropical getaway? You can't protect your mate, mate. What are you gonna do with those-those flimsy tusks when you run into the Beast? I call him... RUDY.
Manny: Oh, good. Good. I was worried it was something intimidating, like "Sheldon" or "Tim".
Crash: Wait. You mean there's something bigger than Mommy Dinosaur?
Buck: Aye.
Eddie: "Eye"?
Buck: Aye-aye! He's the one that gave me this! [pointing to his missing eye, which is covered in a patch]
Eddie: Whoa! He gave you that patch...?!
Crash: ...For free?! That's so cool!
Eddie: Yeah! [starts shaking Crash] Maybe he'll give us one, too! [Crash and Eddie both laugh and high-five] [while Crash is humming along] Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!
Manny: [to a dumbfounded Buck] Welcome to my world.
Buck: Abandon all hope. Ye who enters there...
Manny: Alright, we get it! Doom and despair, yada, yada, yada.
[Scrat is still stuck from the sticky tar hanging on a tree, he walks slowly to the ground from the tree to get the acorn and breaks tree and rolls and gets the acorn and Scratte rolls the tree. And Scrat tries to get unstuck, but is stopped by Scratte and she grab the acorn slowly, Scrat whimpers, Scratte smiles and giggles, grabs the acorn and rips off Scrat’s belly. Scrat screaming]
Crash: It sounds like a Jungle of Misery of me.
Ellie: Hold on.
Manny: Why. What’s wrong. Peaches.

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