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Phil Blumburtt: [attempting to analyze Howard]...This is amazing. Man's oldest fantasy! [imitating the SUPERMAN narrator] From across a sea of stars...Look! Up in the sky! It's...The Duck Who Fell to Earth!
Beverly Switzer: Phil, you've got to help us. Seriously, what are we gonna do here?
Phil: Nice Ducky. [squawking like Donald Duck] Me, Phil. You, Howard. We can be friends. Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Howard T. Duck: [annoyed and confused] Undoubtedly one of Earth's greatest minds here.
Beverly: Hey, Phil. Don't talk to him like that; he's just as smart as you are.
Howard: Oh, now I'm really depressed.
Phil: [into his microphone] Highly intelligent, perhaps even...Wait, that's it! We're about to see if the subject has any capabilities we don't normally find on Earth...Any "Superpowers", as it were? Howard! [he produces a steel bar and holds it out to Howard] Can you bend this?
Howard: What are you, crazy or something? [The bar clatters to the floor]
Phil: [produces a 2X4 and holds it in front of Howard's face] Howard, can you burn a hole through this with some kind of eye-laser?
Howard: Hey, you wanna see powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal ducks? What say I bite your nose off with my super-bill!
Phil: Howard, quit holding out! I want you to concentrate and read my mind!
Howard: Right. You're thinking..."They know I'm a phony. They know I'm a yo-yo." Tell me if I'm warm on any of these, Phil. [Beverly giggles]
Phil: Next, I want you to look into the future and tell me what you see!
Howard: I see...Myself, walking out that door! [He departs, with Beverly in tow]

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