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[Harry watches a faked memory of Tom Riddle at a Slug Club dinner party.]
Slughorn: [To Tom] I'd like to know where you get your information. More knowledgeable than half the staff, you are. [Someone in Tom's gang laughs]
Tom Riddle - Age 16: Sir, is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?
Slughorn: Now, Tom, I couldn't tell you if I knew, could I? By the way, thank you for the pineapple. You're quite right, it is my favorite. But how did you know?
Tom Riddle - Age 16: Intuition.
Slughorn: Good gracious, is it that time, already? Off you go, boys, or Professor Dippet will have us all in detention. [Everyone but Tom leaves. Tom taps the hourglass, and Slughorn notices Tom is still there] Look sharp, Tom. Don't want to be caught out of bed after hours. Is something on your mind, Tom?
Tom Riddle - Age 16: Yes, sir. You see, I couldn't think of anyone else to go to. The other professors, well, they're not like you. They might misunderstand.
Slughorn: Go on.
Tom Riddle - Age 16: I was in the library the other night, in the Restricted Section, and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic, and I thought, perhaps, you could illuminate me. It's called, as I understand it... [He makes an unintelligible sound and Slughorn stares in bewilderment.]
Slughorn: I beg your pardon? I don't know anything about such things and if I did, I wouldn't tell you! Now get out of here at once AND DON'T EVER LET ME CATCH YOU MENTIONING IT AGAIN! [The memory becomes cloudy and ends]

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