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Nina: Is something going on?
Annie: Yes, it is, Mom...uh...God, this is a hard thing to tell parents...especially when you're my parents...Oh, God!
George: Honey, just say it. What's the big deal?
Matt: Yeah.
Annie: Okay! I met somebody in Rome. Um, he's an American. Uh, he's from L.A., actually. And um, his name's Brian MacKenzie. And he's this completely wonderful, wonderful, amazing man, and...well, we starting seeing each other, a lot...and, um...we fell in love. Ha! Ha! It actually happened! And, uh, we've decided to get married...which means that, I'm engaged! Ha! I'm engaged! I'm getting married! HA!
Matt: Congratulations!
Annie: Thank you.
Nina: Oh! My! My! Oh, so, oh my...and that's your engagement ring, huh? bought it from said that it's at least a hundred years old...So, Dad. Stop it. Say something.
George: I'm sorry. What did you say?
Young Annie: Dad, I met a man in Rome. And he's wonderful and brilliant, and we're getting married.
Annie: Mom, what's he doing?
Nina: George? George? George? What is it?
George: Well...this is...this is ridiculous! You're too young to get married!
Annie: Too young? Dad, I'm twenty-two. If I'm not mistaken, that's a year older than Mom was when you guys got married.
George: That is absolutely not true!
Nina: Oh,'re absolutely wrong.
George: You were this age when I married you?
Nina: No. I was younger. I was this age when she was born.
George: That...that doesn't matter. Times have changed. Your mother was mature...and twenty-two isn't what it used to be...Matt, would you turn on the air conditioner? It's hot in here. I thought...I thought you didn't believe in marriage. I thought it meant a woman lost her identity. I thought you wanted to get a job before you settled down so you could earn money and be your own person.
Annie: All right, hold on. I didn't think I believed in marriage until I met Brian. Brian's not like any other guy I've ever known. I want to be married to him. And I'm not going to lose my identity with him because he's not some overpowering, macho guy. He's like you, Dad! Except he's brilliant. He happens to love that I'm going to be an architect. He wants me to design a house for us to live in. He said he'd move anywhere I got a job. Give me a little credit, George. I'm not going to marry some ape who wants me to wear go-go boots and an apron. I'm telling you, you'll love him. He's a genius. And sweet. And I love him more than anything in the world.
Nina: What does Brian do?
George: Who's Brian?
Nina: Oh!
George: I forgot his name!
Annie: He's an independent communications consultant.
George: Independent?
Annie: Yes.
George: That's code for unemployed! This is perfect! You meet an unemployed, amazingly brilliant non-ape that I'm going to have to support! I suppose I'm going to have to hire him and fire some hard working guy with three kids because my son-in-law, the "independent communications consultant," can't get a job anywhere else! No wonder he'll move anywhere you get a job! You're not getting married and that's it and that's final! And I don't like you calling me George! I mean, when did this start?
Annie: Daddy, what is wrong with you? [runs out]
George: What? Are you telling me you're happy about this?
Nina: George, please. Would you stop acting like a lunatic father and go out and talk to her before she runs out that door, marries this kid and we never see her again!
George: All right. Kid? How do you know he's a kid? He could be forty-five years old.

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