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[At night, Gru just came home from the AVL, carrying the sleeping Agnes on his shoulders, and enters the girls' bedroom]
Gru: [whispers] Hey, I told you guys to get to bed.
Margo: Oh, sorry.
Edith: [making a drawing] So when ya goin' on your date?
Gru: What?
Edith: Remember? Miss Jillian said she was arranging a date for you.
Gru: [referring to Jillian] Yeah, well, she is a nut job and I'm not going on any date.
Edith: Why not? [hangs from her bed ladder] Are you scared?
[Gru stands still of what Edith said to him; a flashback reveals an eight-year old Gru on a playground when in elementary school, holding a flower behind his back]
Lisa: [to her friends] Hey, did you guys see the moon landing on TV?
Girls: Yeah, I can’t believe it. It’s so cool...
Lisa: Yeah, and you know what...
Young Gru: [approaches them] Excuse me, Lisa?
Lisa: [not paying attention] I was talking to Billy the other day.
Girls: No way.
Lisa: And I think he likes me.
Young Gru: [clears his throat; nervous] Hey Lisa, I was wondering if you... [taps his finger on her shoulder]
Little Girl: [points at Gru’s finger on Lisa’s shoulder] Ewww! Gru touched Lisa! Gru touched Lisa!
Little Kids: [horrified] Eeeewww!
Little Girl: [to the whole playground] Lisa’s got Gruties!
[Everyone runs back inside in response, screaming; the young Gru remains on the playground, disappointed]
Gru: [comes out of his flashback] Scared? Of what? Women?! [chuckles] No! That's bonkers! I just... I've no interest in going on a date! That's all! Case closed! I am not scared of women... or dates... Let's go to bed. Good night, Edith. [gives a goodnight kiss to Edith] Good night, Margo. [gives a goodnight kiss to Margo, but returns] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold the horses. Who are you texting?
Margo: No one. Just my friend Avery.
Gru: Avery. [confused] Eh? Avery? Is that a girl’s name or a boy’s name?
Margo: [confused] Does it matter?
Gru: No. No, it doesn’t matter unless it’s a boy!
Agnes: I know what makes you a boy.
Gru: [concerned]
Agnes: Your bald head.
Gru: [relieved] Oh, yes...
Agnes: [creates an imaginary line with her hands around the head of a temporarily confused Gru] It’s really smooth. Sometimes I stare at it, and imagine a little chick popping out. [imitates a little chick] Peep-peep-peep.
Gru: Good night, Agnes. [gives her a kiss on the forehead] Never get older. [leaves the girls' bedroom and turns off the lights]

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