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Carrie: Momma, before you say anything else, I've been asked to prom. Momma, I've been asked to prom.
Margaret: Oh, God, Why?
Carrie: It's next Saturday and he's a very nice boy, and he'll come in and meet you before and he promised to have me home by 10:30.
Margaret: No, no, no, no.
Carrie White: I've already accepted. [Margret is stunned.] I know this scares you, it scares me too. The other kids... they... they... think I'm weird, but I don't wanna be, I have to try and be a whole person before it's too late.
[Margret holds Carrie's head with her hands and smiles. Carrie smiles back.]
Margaret: He'll hurt you.
[Carrie frowns and moves her head out of Margret's hands]
Carrie: No, Momma, no, Momma, th-there are bad people but not Tommy, he's good, you'll like him, he's a very nice boy.
Margaret: Boys, boys, after the blood... comes the boys, sniffing, slobbering like dogs!
Carrie: Stop it, Mamma!
Margaret: He's gonna- he's gonna paw at you, until he finds out where that blood smell comes from. He's gonna take you Carrie, in his car, out to the wilderness, out where its cold and the roadhouses are and the whiskey!
Carrie: Stop being so crazy!
Margaret: Y-you tell that boy you're not going!
Carrie: No!
Margaret: We'll move from here, we're never gonna stop moving.
Carrie: No, Momma!
Margaret: You're gonna go to your closet and you're gonna pray, you're gonna get in there and you're gonna pray for forgiveness!
Carrie: No, never again, Momma... [Carrie's stress telepathically lifts the furniture in the living room. Margaret screams and falls to her knees along with all the furniture in the living room; Carrie is shocked as Margret looks up at her daughter in shock.] Momma, stand up. [Margret is still stunned and stares at Carrie] Momma, stand up! [she telekinetically lifts Margaret two feet above the ground. Margaret screams and cries, looking at the ground in fright.] Momma, I'm going.
Margaret: Witch.
Carrie: I'm not a witch, Momma. There are no witches.
Margret: The devil's got her now.
Carrie: It's not the devil, Momma, there are other people out there like me that can do what I can do.
Margret: You poor child, don't you know? Don't you know he's working through you?
Carrie: Momma, it's inherited, it was passed down from grandma and it skipped you.
Margret: No, no, no.
Carrie: Y-you know that.
Margret: No, no, no.
Carrie: Or maybe it came from daddy.
Margaret: He gave me a cancer, I thought you were cancer.
[Carrie lifts Margret's body further and Margaret screams.]
Carrie: Momma, that's awful, don't say that! [Margaret starts muttering prayers] You pray for all you want, Momma, but I'm going, and nothing's gonna stop me. [she drops Margaret to the ground as she cries in relief and fear] And I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
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