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Abraham Van Helsing quotes

View Quote (heard as Dracula emerges from a box of earth in his younger form) Contrary to some beliefs, the vampire, like any other night creature, can move about by day - though it is not his natural time, and his powers are weak.
View Quote (giving a medical lecture) The vampire bat must consume 10 times its own weight in fresh blood each day, or its own blood cells will die. Cute little vermin, ja? Blood, and the diseases of the blood such as syphilis, will concern us here. The very name "venereal diseases", the "diseases of Venus", imputes to them divine origin. They are involved in that sex problem about which the ethics and ideals of Christian civilization are concerned. In fact, civilization and syphilization have advanced together.
View Quote Gentlemen, we're not fighting some disease here. Those marks on your dear Miss Lucy's neck were made by something unspeakable out there - dead, but not dead. It stalks us for some dread purpose I do not yet comprehend. To live, it feeds on Lucy's precious blood. It is a beast, a monster!
View Quote (reading from a book about vampire history) "Here occurs the shocking and frightening history of the wild berserker, Prince Dracula, how he impaled people and roasted them, boiled their heads in a kettle, how he skinned them alive and hacked them to pieces and then... drank their blood." Ja, Dracul... "The blood is the life"...
View Quote (about Lucy) She lives beyond the grace of God, a wanderer in the outer darkness. She is "vampyr", "Nosferatu". These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting, but instead grow strong and become immortal once infected by another Nosferatu. So, my friends, we fight not one beast, but legions that go on age after age after age, feeding on the blood of the living.
View Quote Vampires do exist. And this one we fight, this one we face, has the strength of twenty or more people, and you can testify for that, Mr. Harker. But he can also control the meaner things of life: the bat, the rodent, the wolf. He can appear as mist, as vapour, as fog, and vanish at will. Now all these things Dracula can do, but he is not free. He must rest in the sacred earth of his homeland to gain his evil power. It is here that we must find him and destroy him utterly.
View Quote We've all become God's madmen. All of us.
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