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[Dwight has just learnt that Jasmine lied to him about her past]
Dwight: Of course we can't get married! You lied to me!
Jasmine: Oh no!
Dwight: Up and down the line!
Jasmine: No, no, no! I wanted to tell you the truth! I just didn't wanna ruin everything!
Dwight: What?! Are you delusional?! Didn't you think I'd eventually find out?! What were you thinking?!
Jasmine: I don't know what I was thinking! I don't know! That everything happened in the past! You and I loved each other and get married--
Dwight: And what?! And what?! That it would just vanish?! Didn't you think that I would find out, if not today, or immediately eventually? Like after we were married? Or is that what you wanted? That you'd wait until it was too late?!
Jasmine: [bitterly] Too late for what?! For your future plans where you needed the appropriate wife?!
Dwight: I'm not saying that it would've been an issue, but that you could stand by and deceive me until I married you!
Jasmine: [bitterly] Oh, no, no, no, you mean till I trapped you, is what you mean.
Dwight: Your ethical behavior is equal to your ex-husband.
Jasmine: I wasn't deceiving you when I said I loved you.
Dwight: God, I found out by chance! It was just by sheer chance!
Jasmine: Okay, if it's over, it's over. I get it. You're not marrying me. I brought everything on myself. I've only got myself to blame. I did it to myself, as usual. As usual. [begins mumbling to herself] You and your stupid little French whore.
Dwight: [confused] I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm taking you home.
Jasmine: Let me out of the car. Let me out of the car.
Dwight: Don't be ridiculous.
Jasmine: Can you just - can you just please let me out of the car.
Dwight: But how are you gonna get home?
Jasmine: I'm not going home. Can you let me out of the car. Let me out of the car!

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