Thumbsucker quotes
4 total quotesJoel Cobb
Perry Lyman
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Mark: I concur, but lets go farther; TV contributes to the decay of the American Family. And once the family goes, down go our institutions and up goes our drug abuse. Ditto to gambling and pornography.
Justin: You have no evidence to support that claim. Images aren't reality. Violence in art goes back to Egypt. What's important is teaching people to be skeptical, to draw the line, to distinguish between images and life. Lisa, what's your opinion?
Lisa: You're right, TV is not real.
Mark: Hold on, reality is not the point here. Social decline is.
Justin: Kate, reaction?
Kate: Oh, no go ahead.
Justin: Mark, I understand the spirit of your refutation, but society and its conception of reality are inextricable.
Justin: You have no evidence to support that claim. Images aren't reality. Violence in art goes back to Egypt. What's important is teaching people to be skeptical, to draw the line, to distinguish between images and life. Lisa, what's your opinion?
Lisa: You're right, TV is not real.
Mark: Hold on, reality is not the point here. Social decline is.
Justin: Kate, reaction?
Kate: Oh, no go ahead.
Justin: Mark, I understand the spirit of your refutation, but society and its conception of reality are inextricable.
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Michael Cobb: You know, it was almost easier when he was always ****ing up.
Audrey Cobb: Yeah?
Michael Cobb: It's like he thinks he's smarter than me.
Audrey Cobb: Well, maybe that's the way it goes.
Audrey Cobb: Yeah?
Michael Cobb: It's like he thinks he's smarter than me.
Audrey Cobb: Well, maybe that's the way it goes.
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That's 'cause we all wanna be problemless. To fix ourselves. We look for some magic solution to make us all better, but none of us really know what we're doing. And why is that so bad? That's all we humans can do. Guess. Try. Hope. But, Justin, just pray you don't fool yourself into thinking you've got the answer. Because that's bullshit. The trick is living without an answer. I think
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You ever think that maybe you are so busy being weird that I have to step up and be normal?