[After Robbie is being stabbed in the shoulder, Ghostface is about to strike the final blow]
Robbie: Wait, no. No you can't... you can't... those rules... I-I'm gay! I'm gay! [Ghostface pauses and tilts his head] If... if that helps?
[Ghostface continues stabbing him]
Robbie: Wait, no. No you can't... you can't... those rules... I-I'm gay! I'm gay! [Ghostface pauses and tilts his head] If... if that helps?
[Ghostface continues stabbing him]
[After Robbie is being stabbed in the shoulder, Ghostface is about to strike the final blow]
Robbie : Wait, no. No you can't... you can't... those rules... I-I'm gay! I'm gay! [Ghostface pauses and tilts his head] If... if that helps?
[Ghostface continues stabbing him]