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Peter Strahm: Tell me how to open it! How do I open it?!
[Hoffman points to the tape player on the floor. Strahm picks it up and plays it]
Tape: However, if you choose not to, you will never be heard from again. Your body will never be found. You will simply vanish.
[The Box begins to rotate into the floor]
Tape: I ask you, Special Agent Strahm: Have you learned enough to trust me?
Tape: [Narrating] Will you heed my warning? For if you do not...
Peter Strahm: **** you.
Tape: [Narrating] ...this room will forever be your tomb.
Tape: And my legacy will become yours.
John: If you're good at anticipating the human mind...
Jill Tuck: I think I'm being followed.
Dan Erickson: Who would be following you?
Peter Strahm: I want to talk to Jill Tuck one last time.
Hoffman: He suspected someone on the inside.
[Strahm and Erickson meet at FBI]
John: leaves nothing to chance.
Peter Strahm: We were all supposed to die. You were supposed to be the "hero."
Tape: Make your choice.
[Strahm realizes the room itself is the trap as the room starts to close]
Dan Erickson: Cowan... Yeah, this is Erickson. I want you to put out an A.P.B. Suspect's name is Peter Strahm. Yeah, that's right. Special Agent Peter Strahm.
[Strahm tries to shoot the Box open, to no avail]
Peter Strahm: Tell me how to stop it, you son of a bitch!
[shoots three more times]
Peter Strahm [Last Words]: I know who you are! I know!
[Strahm climbs the converging walls and tries to escape through the ceiling vent while the Box is lowered safely into the floor. Strahm's left arm is caught between the walls, Strahm screaming in terror and breaking violently and showering his blood onto the coffin. Hoffman looks away as the walls come to a close.]

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