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The Running Man

The Running Man quotes

8 total quotes

Ben Richards
Damon Killian

View Quote Damon Killian: OK Agnes. Who do you think is going to make the next kill? Fireball or Dynamo?
Agnes: Boy, that is a toughie. [thinks] Umm...I am going to go with...Ben Richards. [Audience boos]
Killian: Agnes, Ben Richards is a Runner. You have to elect a Stalker.
Agnes: I can vote for anyone I want and I endorse...Ben Richards. That boy is one mean mother****er!
[Out on streets, where show is broadcast on a Jumbotron]
Bettor: [at street bookie] Two hundred dollars for Richards!!!! [other bettors join the bidding; bookie shrugs shoulders and sets up the board at RICHARDS: 100-1]
View Quote [Buzzsaw and Richards struggle over the chainsaw]
Buzzsaw: The saw is a part of me and now, I am going to make it part of you!
Ben Richards: [moves chainsaw away from face and positions it between Buzzsaw's legs] That's all right, keep it! [shoves chainsaw up through Buzzsaw, who shrieks in pain before he dies]
Amber Mendez: [rejoins Richards as they walk away] What happened to Buzzsaw?
Richards: He had to split.
View Quote [Frustrated that he's now the next Stalker to face Richards, Captain Freedom barges into the control booth]
Captain Freedom: Forget it, Killian, I won't do it!
Killian: It's not a request, moron, it's an order.
Captain Freedom: I don't need this crap! [strips off gear] This stuff is garbage! I was killing guys like this ten years ago with my bare hands! I'm not going for any of these tricks! This is a sport of death and honor, Code of the Gladiators!
Killian: Cap, will you spare me the combat Zen speech? What the hell's the matter with you? Can't you see what's going on out there? This isn't a game! They're betting on Richards up there!
Captain Freedom: Bullshit!
Killian: Get out of here! [to his bodyguard Sven] Get him out of here! [Sven stays still] What's the matter? Steroids make you deaf? Get him out of here NOW!!
[Sven shrugs his shoulders at Captain Freedom, who simply leaves the control booth after almost running onto Killian's assistant]
View Quote [Killian has just unveiled Laughlin and Weiss to a disbelieving Richards and explains the game mechanics to the audience]
Damon Killian: You know how this works. The game zone is divided into four hundred square blocks, left over from the big quake of '97, and I don't think any of us will ever forget that. [audience laughs] Once inside the zone, the Runners have three hours, they've got to go through all four game quads, three hours or less, and they're going to need every second, 'cause you know who's on their tail?
Studio Audience: The Stalkers!
Killian: Who?!
Studio Audience: THE STALKERS!!!
Killian: And you know what happens then!!
Studio Audience: Anything goes!
Killian: What?!
Studio Audience: ANYTHING GOES!!!
Killian: [goes back up the stage] Right! Without further ado, it's time to start... [faces audience with arms up high] RUNNING!!
[The audience cheers as Richards' rocket sled prepares to be launched into the game zone]
Killian: [to Richards] On your marks! Get set!...
Ben Richards: Killian! I'll be back.
Killian: [pauses; softly] Only in a rerun. [loudly] GO!! [Richards' sled launches] GO!! [Laughlin's sled launches]
Laughlin: You son of a bitch!
Killian: GO!! [Weiss's sled launches] YES!!
View Quote [The resistance hacks into the ICS broadcast and puts in their own video of spliced clips] Damon Killian: [on video] And who loves you, and who do you LOVE?!
Studio Audience: KILLIAN!!!
Killian: YES!!! [zoom in] YES!!! [zoom in further] YES!!!["KILLIAN IS LYING TO YOU" appears on the screen]

[The audience and Killian watch the video in confusion]
Audience member: Hey, what's going on?! Killian: [on video] We don't lie - lie - lie... like our previous winners Whitman, Price, and Haddad. You remember them! [stills appear of the corpses that Amber found in the locker room] There they are at this very moment, basking under the Maui sun, their debt to society paid in full. Watch that screen.
[Raw footage of the Bakersfield massacre begins to play]
Dispatcher: [to Richards] Yankee Nine-Niner, what's the status of the crowd?
Ben Richards: Food riot in progress. Approximately 1,500 civilians. No weapons are evident.
Dispatcher: Proceed with Plan Alpha, eliminate anything moving.
Richards: I said the crowd is unarmed! There are lots of women and children down there. All they want is some food, for God's sake!

[The audience and Killian continue to watch in bewilderment] Dispatcher: As you were, Richards. Proceed with Plan Alpha. All rioters must be eliminated.
Richards: The hell with you! I will not fire on helpless human beings!
Dispatcher: You have your orders, Yankee Nine-Niner, proceed with Plan Alpha.

[at the ICS control room]
Tony: Where's it coming from?
Brenda: The network satellite.
[Just as Tony is about to turn the dial to override the satellite, Stevie and several resistance fighters burst into the control room, guns pointed]
Stevie: [menacingly] Don't touch that dial. [Cut back to the video]
Richards: Abort mission. We return to base...
Dispatcher: Saunders, do you copy? Take command. Detain Richards and proceed as ordered.
[Fight breaks out]
Soldier: Richards, what the **** are you doing?!
[The soldiers overpower Richards and knock him out; Cut to the studio, where the audience gasp at the footage in disbelief]

Killian: Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll please bear with us, we're experiencing technical difficulties!
Mrs McArdle: Bullshit!!
[Richards and the other resistance fighters burst into the studio with guns]
Richards: It's showtime!
View Quote [while hiding from Fireball in a locker room, Amber sees three corpses that look eerily familiar]
Amber Mendez: [checks dogtags] Whitman... Price.
Fireball: [appears just as Amber looks at Haddad's corpse] Haddad. [enters room]
Mendez: They're Running Men. Last season's winners.
Fireball: No. Last season's losers.
View Quote [On the phone getting chewed out by government officials for the death of Subzero] Yes, I know a Stalker died. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Now look, you people at the Justice Department cannot have it both ways! You hired me to entertain. If you want keep the people away from tax revolts, food riots, and bread lines and parked in front of their TVs you sure as hell are not going to do that with reruns of Gilligan's Island!...Gilligan's Island?...You know!...[Hums a few bars from "The Ballad of Gilligan's Island"]...Yes, the one with the boat!
View Quote [rips camera off the wall and speaks into it to Killian, who just offered him a job as a Stalker] You cold-blooded bastard! I'll tell you what I think of it. I'll live to see you eat that contract! But I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and BREAK YOUR GODDAMN SPINE!!! [smashes camera]