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[The sleigh crashes in the middle of the road in front of Jamie's house and the reindeer run off]
North: Ah, moi deti! Come back!
Tooth: North, are you okay?
North: Is official: my powers are kaput.
Tooth: [spots Jack flying down] Look! Jack! [climbs out of the sleigh and falls, unable to fly] Jack!
Jack: [helps her back up] You okay?
Tooth: [embarrassed] Mm-hmm.
North: What are you doing here?
Jack: Same as you.
[Jamie comes out of his house, looking at the Guardians in wonder]
North: The last light!
Jamie: Wow, it is you! I mean it is you! I knew it wasn't a dream! [beams at Jack]
North: [realizes what this means] Jack, he sees you!
Jack: [playfully nudges Jamie, but then realizes something] But... Where's Bunny?
North: Losing Easter took its toll upon all of us. Bunny most of all.
[Bunny, now shrunken down to the size of a real rabbit, emerges from the sleigh]
Jack: Oh, no...
Jamie: [giggles, unsure] That's the Easter Bunny?
Bunnymund: [frustrated] Now somebody sees me! I mean, where were you about an hour ago, mate?
Jamie: [to the Guardians] What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool, and now he's... cute. [tickles Bunny under his chin, who begins to respond, before shaking him off]
Bunnymund: [points to Jack] Did you tell him to say that? [attacks Jack's leg then takes up a fighting stance] That's it, let's go! Me and you, c'mon!
Jamie: No! Actually, he told me you were real. Just when I started to think maybe you weren't.
Bunnymund: [amazed] He made you believe? In me?
[Jamie nods and Bunny stares at Jack, touched]

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