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[The rabbit Jack conjured up explodes into snowflakes]
Jamie: Whoa! [laughs, then stops, confused] Snow...? [a snowflake lands on Jamie’s nose, and his eyes widen] ...Jack Frost!
Jack: Did he just say...?
Jamie: Jack Frost?
Jack: [gasps, shocked] He said it again! He said... You said...
Jamie: [finally turns around and gapes at Jack] Jack Frost!
Jack: That's right! But-but that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name! [looks at Jamie, amazed] You said my name! [Jamie continues to gape at him, which he slowly realizes] Wait, can... Can you hear me? [Jamie nods] Can you... [leans in closer] Can you see me? [Jamie nods again, beginning to smile. Jack chokes out a laugh] He sees me! He... HE SEES ME! [laughs, and back flips onto Jamie's desk]
Jamie: You just made it snow!
Jack: I know!
Jamie: In my room!
Jack: [excitedly] I KNOW! [leaps off the desk]
Jamie: You're real?!
Jack: Yeah, man! Who do you think brings you all the blizzards, and-and the snow days?! And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?
Jamie: That was you?!
Jack: That was me!
Jamie: Cool!
Jack: Right?!
Jamie: But... what about the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? I mean, like, what about-?
Jack: Real! Real, real! [picks up Jamie's toy rabbit] Every one of us is real.
Jamie: I knew it!
Jamie's Mother: [from downstairs] Jamie! Who are you talking to?
Jamie: Um... [looks at Jack, who smiles and nods, as if to say; "go ahead"] Jack Frost?
Jamie's Mother: [laughs, exasperated] Okay...
[Jack and Jamie laugh, but are then interrupted by a commotion outside]

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