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[Jack and Baby Tooth follow a familiar voice to Pitch's lair]
Pitch: [from the shadows] Looking for something? [Jack shoots some ice at the voice, and flies around, looking for Pitch] Don't be afraid, Jack. [steps out from the shadows] I'm not gonna hurt you.
Jack: Afraid? I'm not afraid of you.
Pitch: Maybe not, but you are afraid of something.
Jack: You think so, huh?
Pitch: I know so. It's the one thing I always know: People's greatest fears. Yours is that no one will ever believe in you. [Pitch disappears again] And worst of all, you're afraid you'll never know why. Why you? Why were you chosen? To be like this? Well, fear not. For the answer to that is right here. [holds out the canister containing Jack's childhood teeth] Do you want them, Jack? Your memories? [Jack reaches for the canister, but withdraws his hand. Pitch disappears again] Everything you wanted to know, in this little box. Why did you end up like this? Unseen. Unable to reach out to anyone. You want the answers so badly. You want to grab them and fly off with them, but you're afraid of what the Guardians will think. You're afraid of disappointing them. Well, let me ease your mind about one thing: They'll never accept you. Not really.
Jack: Stop it! Stop it!
Pitch: After all, you're not one of them.
Jack: [firmly] You don't know what I am!
Pitch: Course I do! You're Jack Frost. You make a mess wherever you go. Why, you're doing it right now. [tosses Jack the canister]
Jack: What did you do?
Pitch: More to the point, Jack, what did you do?
[Pitch disappears, laughing. Furious, Jack lunges at him, but instead finds himself in a dark tunnel. He suddenly remembers that he left Baby Tooth behind. He tries to go back, but finds the tunnel blocked.]
Jack: Baby Tooth!
Pitch: [disembodied] Happy Easter, Jack.
[Jack turns around and discovers, to his horror, that Pitch destroyed Bunny's Easter eggs.]
Jack: No...

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