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Jambavan: Are you not Jatayu's brother Sampati?
Sampati: [Lands on the sand and turns around] Yes, I am Sampati! Do you know my brother? How is my Jatayu? Is he well?
Jambavan: [solemnly] Jatayu has found a home in the heavens.
Sampati: sad! How sad! My brother should die, and I live on!
Jambavan: Old though he was, he fought a terrible battle with an evil demon, Ravana, and was slain as he tried to rescue Mother Sita from the demon's clutches!
Sampati: You said Ravana? Ravana is the name? If I knew he had killed my brother, I would never have let him fly over this land unharmed!!
Jambavan: He flew over here?
Sampati: Yes! Look! Look over there! Across the sea is Lanka! There you will find Ravana and his captive, the lady you seek!
Angada: If we cross the sea with all the troops, we will need thousands of boats!
Jambavan: And I am too old now, though in my youth I had circled the earth 21 times! Now there's only one among us who can handle this task! [turns to Hanuman] When you were a boy, believing the new-born sun to be a golden fruit, you once flew after it, meaning to swallow it up! You had great powers, but you did not know how to use them! [laughs] The world was afraid of you, and so you were put under a spell which sealed your powers. The time has now come for me to unseal these hidden powers! Only you can go across the sea with your divine power! Only you can reach Lanka and find Mother Sita! Om! Om!

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