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God: [whispering] Moses...
Moses: Here I am.
God: Take the sandals from your feet, Moses, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.
Moses: Who are you?
God: I am that I am.
Moses: I don't understand.
God: I am the God of your ancestors, Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.
Miriam: [disembodied] You are born of our mother Yocheved! You are our brother!
[Moses quickly removes his sandals and throws them behind him]
Moses: What do you want with me?
God: I have seen the oppression of my people in Egypt, and have heard their cry. [sounds of screams and cracking whips] So I shall stretch forth my hand, and lead them out of Egypt, into a good land. A land flowing with milk and honey. And so, unto Pharaoh, I shall send... you.
Moses: Me? W-who am I to lead these people? They'll never believe me, they won't even listen!
God: I shall be with you, and teach you what to say. [disembodied] Let my people go!
Moses: But I was their enemy. I was the prince of Egypt, the son of the man who slaughtered... their children! You've chosen the wrong messenger! H-how can I even speak to these people?
God: Who made man's mouth? Who made the deaf, the mute, the seeing, or the blind? Did not I? Now go!
[Moses falls to the ground, cowering]
God: [soothing, lifting Moses up] Oh, Moses, I shall be with you when you go to the king of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not listen. So I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders! Take the staff in your hand, Moses. With it, you shall do my wonders! [whispering] I will be with you, Moses.

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