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Steff: I thought that was very uncool of you last night, Blane.
Blane: What?
Steff: What?
Blaine: You mean Andie?
Steff: Yeah, I mean Andie.
Blane: What's the big deal? I like her. Matter of fact, I was pissed off at you guys for being so nasty to her.
Steff: It was way out of order for you to foist her on the party.
Blane: Steff, you hear yourself? You hear the same asshole shit I hear?
Steff: What, do I have to spell it out for you, Blane?
Blane: I guess so.
Steff: Nobody appreciates your sense of humor you know. As a matter of fact, everybody's about to puke from you. I mean if you've got a hard-on for trash, don't take care of it around us pal, alright?
Blane: Right, buddy.
Steff: Listen, I don't need a lot of shit on this one, Blane, alright. I really don't.
Blane: Is money all that matters to you?
Steff: Where the hell does that come from? C'mon, look around you. Would I treat my parent's house like this if money was any kind of issue? Why are you doing this? Why don't you just... nail her, and get it over with? Why are you getting involved?
Blane: Is there something wrong with that?
Steff: I just think it's stupid, you know. It's pointless. I mean, your parents. I think they'll be thrilled.
Blane: [defensively] They have nothing to do with it.
Steff: Oh, really? I've seen your mother go to work on you, Blane. It's vicious. When Bill and Joyce get through with you, you won't know whether to shit or go sailing... Listen, I'm getting really bored with this conversation, all right, Blane? You know, if you want your piece of low-grade ass, fine. Take it, you know? But if you do, you're not going to have a friend.
Blane: Is that right?
Steff: Yeah, that's right. I mean, if you wanna make the choice, go ahead. Make it. Alright? I personally wouldn't trash a friendship over it. But, hey I'm old fashioned, so... Why don't you take a shower? You look like shit.

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