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Lynette: [after Sid asks her to marry him] Oh, Sid! Let's do it right now! I wonder where we'll get stationed? I've always wanted to go to Hawaii!
Worley: Honey, we're not being stationed anywhere. I D.O.R.'d.
Lynette: [Shocked] You what?
Worley: I D.O.R.'d. I wasn't cut out to be a pilot. I was faking it. I've been faking everything up to now.
Lynette: But... What'll we do? Where would we go?
Worley: Oklahoma. I'll get my old job back at JC Penney's. Hell, in two years, I'll be floor manager. You're going to love Oklahoma! You and mama will get along great. Money might be tight, so we'll live at home. It's going to work out.
Lynette: Sid... There's no baby.
Worley: What?
Lynette: I'm not pregnant. I got my period this morning. There's no baby, Sid.
Worley: I'll be goddamned. What do you say we get married anyway? I love you! I don't think I really knew that till just now, just this second. I have never been happier in my life than I have in the last seven weeks. I've never felt so relaxed, and I've never felt so loved for who I really am. Lynette, marry me. Make me the happiest man in the whole world.
Lynette: I'm sorry, Sid, but I don't wanna marry you. I really like you. We've had ourselves some really great times, but I thought you understood. I want to marry a pilot. I want to live my life overseas. The wife of an aviator...[bitterly] Damn you! Goddamn you! Nobody DOR's after 11 weeks! NOBODY!

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