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Music and Lyrics

Music and Lyrics quotes

16 total quotes

View Quote Alex Fletcher: [Hails taxi] She's going to have a baby!
Sophie Fisher: [Taxi continues driving away] Hey! What if that were true?
View Quote Alex Fletcher: [Sophie moves a chair] What are you doing, you madwoman, you're wrecking my apartment!
Sophie Fisher: Well, I can't write sitting all the way across the room.
Alex Fletcher: No, go back to your corner!
Sophie Fisher: ...Fine, all right.
[goes, leaving the chair where she moved it]
Alex Fletcher: I'm blocked. How am I supposed to get out?
Sophie Fisher: Go out the other side.
Alex Fletcher: But... but... I've never been out the other side.
View Quote Alex Fletcher: [start of Way Back Into Love Demo Version] Way Back Into Love, take one.
Sophie Fisher: I-uh-I'm getting really nervous.
Alex Fletcher: You'll be fine, just use your normal, nice voice that I've heard... so much over the last three days.
Sophie Fisher: It's like, ugh, my throat's closing up. It's, like, anaphylactic. [cough]
Alex Fletcher: It's fine, it's just a three-minute song.
View Quote Alex Fletcher: Are you single?
Rhonda Fisher: I've been married 16 years, but nothing's set in stone, right?
View Quote Alex Fletcher: I think you are way too talented and gifted...and unusual to let anyone keep you from standing.
Sophie Fisher: That's wonderfully sensitive... especially from a man who wears such tight pants.
Alex Fletcher: It forces all the blood to my heart.
View Quote Alex Fletcher: It doesn't have to be perfect. Just spit it out. They're just lyrics.
Sophie Fisher: "Just lyrics"?
Alex Fletcher: Lyrics are important. They're just not as important as melody.
Sophie Fisher: I really don't think you get it.
Alex Fletcher: Oh. You look angry. Click your pen.
Sophie Fisher: A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex.
Alex Fletcher: I so get that.
Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the 2 that makes it magical.
View Quote Alex Fletcher: Theoretically, I could pick you up because I will be taking a cab.
Sophie Fisher: I could be standing outside at 9:40 in bright orange clothes, so you wouldn't miss me...
Alex Fletcher: Oh, good, you'll get some road work done while you wait, then.
View Quote Alex Fletcher: You look like a worried little doggy.
Sophie Fisher: Ruff.
View Quote Lyricist: [upon hearing Sophie's version of "Way back into love"] What's the next line? Feelings? Nothing more than feelings? You people disgust me.
View Quote Sophie Fisher: [hits her head on piano] OW!
Alex Fletcher: Yes, I think she's up now.
View Quote Sophie Fisher: [talking about Alex's solo album] I bought it... the last copy.
Alex Fletcher: Right, well, I insist on paying you back immediately. $9.99 right? Do you have a penny?
View Quote Sophie Fisher: [while over-watering the same plant] I mean we're so close. We're just not there yet. We have to stay focused and stay... you know completely understanding of what we're trying to say.
Alex Fletcher: [walks over and takes the plant away from her] Ok, you may now start killing the next one.
View Quote Sophie Fisher: Are you OK?
Alex Fletcher: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just my Pop! hip. It comes from years of doing our patented dance move. My God, I've suffered for my art.
View Quote Sophie Fisher: Well, you know, I feel a little guilty about something.
Rhonda Fisher: [Dry] How unusual for you.
Sophie Fisher: Okay, listen, I have to tell you this; I met that guy from that band you used to like, Alex Fletcher from 'Pop!'?
[Rhonda freezes, overcome, and begins hyperventilating]
Rhonda Fisher: Omigod!
Sophie Fisher: [Not noticing, continuing to ramble] Anyway, I do Jane's plant service, y'know, I'm taking over for her while she's gone, and anyway she does his apartment. And so I was there - actually, it was the second time - and he invited me to see him come perform tonight -
Rhonda Fisher: GARY I'M GOING OUT!!!
[Rhonda runs out, babbling excitedly]
Sophie Fisher: [Nonplussed] ... That really wasn't the end of the story, but...
View Quote [Alex and Sophie are trying out their song on the doorman.]
Alex Fletcher: [singing] I've been sleeping with a clown above... [he continues, obviously derailed] my...bed... [in a normal speaking voice] "Clown" is not right. What is that word?
Sophie Fisher: It's "cloud".
Alex Fletcher: Well, write more clearly, how can you expect me to read-
Sophie Fisher: Why would you put a clown in your bed?
Alex Fletcher: Let me tell you, it would not be the first time.