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View Quote Sephus: [Opening lines of film] Shootin' coal! Shootin' coal!
Hardshell preacher: The Prince of Darkness is upon the land. Now in the Bible his name is Beezlebub, Lord of the Flies. Right now on Earth today his name is Bolshevist! Socialist! Communist! Union man! Lord of untruth, sower of evil seed, enemy of all that is good and pure and this creature walks among us. What are we going to do about it?
Foothill man 1: This your machine? [Indicates the Model T Ford.] Heard it last night, too. It's an offense to the ear.
Foothill man 1: You folks try and keep the noise down you'll do fine. Help yourself to the bird and the rabbit. But if you see any hogs, they's probably ours. We'd appreciate it if you leave them be.
Hill man: Grab his ankles missus, and mind your dress. He's a bleedin' like a stuck pig.
Mrs. Knightes: T'ain't no guns allowed at t'dinner table!
View Quote Joe Kenehan: When do we get to Matewan?
Train conductor: You don't want to go there, mister. Ain't nothing but crazy people.
View Quote Griggs: [Asking a foothill man about his rifle] Where'd you get that piece? Spanish War?
Foothill man 2: Nope. War Between the States.
View Quote C. E. Lively: Who wrote The Iron Hand?
Joe Kenehan: Jack London.
Sephus: Where's Joe Hill buried at?
Joe Kenehan: All over the world. They scattered his ashes.
C. E. Lively: Which eye is Big Bill Haywood missing?
Joe Kenehan: His right one.
C. E. Lively: How'd Frank Little die?
Joe Kenehan: Butte, Montana ... they hung him from a railroad trestle.
View Quote Older Baldwin-Felts man: Ever hear of the Hatfields and McCoys, son?
Young Baldwin-Felts man: Heh. Sure I have have.
Older Baldwin-Felts man: This here Matewan's their stompin' ground. They'll put a bullet in brain just as soon as look at you.
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