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View Quote I'm a great believer in science. Connie Porter: [speaking of the disaster] Reminds me of an air raid once that hit me in Chunking.
John Kovac: Reminds me of a slaughterhouse I once worked in in Chicago. Those Nazi buzzards — a tin fish ain't enough. They've got to shell us too!
View Quote Gus Smith: [referring to Willie] A guy can't help being a German if he's born a German, can he?
John Kovac: Neither can a snake help being a rattlesnake if he's born a rattlesnake! That don't make him a nightingale! Get him out of here!
View Quote John Kovac: As of now I'm skipper, and anybody who don't like it can get out and swim to Bermuda. What about that?
Gus Smith: I'll buy it.
Stanley 'Sparks' Garrett: Suits me. What about you, Miss?
Alice MacKenzie: I'm for it.
George 'Joe' Spencer: Yes, sir!
Charles D. 'Ritt' Rittenhouse: Well, if the rest agree.
Connie Porter: All right, Commissar, what's the course?
View Quote Willy: [fixing her diamond bracelet] Looks like bits of ice.
Connie Porter: I wish they were.
Willy: They're really nothing but a few pieces of carbon crystallized under high pressure at great heat.
Connie Porter: Quite so, if you want to be scientific about it.
Willy: I'm a great believer in science.
Connie Porter: Like tears, for instance. They're nothing but H2O with a trace of sodium chloride.
View Quote [seeing a bejewelled Connie in a fur coat as he enters the lifeboat] Connie! Did you come from the freighter or the Stork Club?
View Quote [to the delirious Gus] There's Rosie! She's waiting for you! [Willy pushes Gus overboard]
View Quote Dying together's even more personal than living together.
View Quote My name is Schmidt, but I changed it to Smith. That's what I got against these guys more than anything else. They make me ashamed of the name I was born with. I got a lot of relatives in Germany. For all I know this guy may be one of them. I say throw him to the sharks!
View Quote We're not like you! You're made of iron, we're just flesh and blood! Hungry and thirsty flesh and blood!