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Emmet: What's the last thing Lord Business would expect Master Builders to do?
Benny: Build a spaceship?
Vitruvius: Kill a chicken?
Unikitty: Marry a marshmallow!
Metalbeard: Why, this. [changes into a singing face: ♪Hum hum hum How ya gonna keep them down at the farm?♪♪]
Emmet: No! It's follow the instructions.
[Everybody groans and complains]
Benny: Don't like that.
Unikitty: Sounds weird.
Emmet: No, wait guys. Listen. You guys are so talented and imaginative... but you can't work as a team. I'm just a construction worker, but when I have a plan and we were working together, we could build a skyscraper. Now you guys are Master Builders. Just imagine what you could do if you did that! ...You could save the universe!
Vitruvius: Well said, Emmet. Well said.
Emmet: Really?
Metalbeard: She be a fine speech there, laddie.
Emmet: Okay. Somebody get me some markers... some construction paper... and some GLITTER GLUE!!! [Emmet stands in front of the instructions he's drawn] I call this, Emmet's plan to get inside the tower, put the Piece of Resistance on the Kragle and save the world, I've built a hundred just like them back in the city, if we could just get in there, I know where all the air ducts and wiring are located, I can get us anywhere.
Vitruvius: How will we get inside?
Emmet: [Whispers] In a spaceship!
Benny: SPACESHIP! [Benny chuckles and rushes off excitedly to build a spaceship]
Batman: Great idea, a Bat spaceship.
Emmet: No, they're expecting us to show up in a Bat spaceship, or a pirate spaceship, or a rainbow sparkled spaceship.

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