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Batman: [he trails off hoping for any positive comments] You are so disappointing on so many levels.
Vitruvius: Why are my pants cold and wet? [A shot of water rising in the sub] Uh...
Computer: [a wall is breached and even more water floods in] Hull breach!
Unikitty: The walls are crying!
Benny: [as she tries to plug a hole] We're falling apart at the seams! [screams] [as the submarine starts to fall apart]
Batman: This is not how Batman dies!
[Emmet screams, as the submarine fills with water Emmet starts to drown. Wyldstyle reaches for him]
Wyldstyle: Emmet! Hold on, hold on!
Emmet: Wyldstyle!
[the shot goes to outside the sub, red lights coming from the windows as it goes through the water as an alarm beeps faster and faster signalling a detonation]
Wyldstyle: Deep breath! [gasps] Deep breath, everybod--!!
[the sub explodes, the camera follows a floating piece of debris to the surface]
[where Bad Cop and a few Micro Managers are looking around]
Bad Cop: Micro-Managers, what's going on down there?
Micro-Manager: Scanning submarine wreckage. No survivors detected.
Bad Cop: Scuba Cops? Dredge the entire ocean if you have to, we've go to find that piece, [Scuba Cops dive in the water to begin their search] let's get these prisoners back to Lord Business and give him the good news: "the Special is no more"! [they all depart from the wreckage]
Emmet:: Okay. :[Emmet walks up to the platform and waves to everyone. Clears his throat] Hello, I'm Emmet. [referring to the Piece of Resistance] Oh, and this is the Piece of Resistance.
[the Master Builders cheer. Wyldstyle watches in bewilderment]
Emmet: Thank you. Well, eeeeehhhh. I know that I for one am very excited to work with you guys, to get into the Octan Tower, find the Kragle and put this thing on the thing, and I know it's going to be really hard, but... [suddenly gets interrupted by another Master Builder]
Metalbeard: REALLY HARD?! [the audience gasps] Wiping ye bum with a hook for a hand is really hard, this be impossible! The last time we tried to storm Lord Business's office, we used every plan we could conceive, the result was a massacre too terrible to speak of.
Emmet: Who are you?
Metalbeard: The name be Metal Beard, and I'll tell you me tale of woe.
Vitruvius: Oh, great. Here we go again. [Metal Beard recounts his failed attempt in trying to infiltrate Lord Business's office]
Metalbeard: I arrived at the foot of the tower with me hearty Master Builder crew, only to find the Kragle was all the way up on the infinitieth floor guarded by a robot army. And security measures of every kind imaginable, lasers, sharks, laser sharks, overbearing assistants, and strange dangerous relics that entrap, snap and zap. And there be a mysterious room called "The Think Tank." I barely made it out of that room with just me head... [Metalbeard hops out of the tower with his head and escapes on his ship as it purrs away] ...and organs! [Metalbeard's organs pop out of the Octan tower and land in his ship and it purrs away again]
Emmet: [disturbed] Okay.
Metalbeard: I had to replace every part of my once strapping virile pirate body with this useless hunk of garbage ye see before ye. [to Emmet] So if ye think it'd be a good idea to return to that foresaken place, Special, what idea have ye that be better than the ideas of-100-of our fallen Master Builder brothers?
Emmet: Well, technically I'm not exactly a Master Builder yet.
Metalbeard: WHAT?! [the other Master Builders shout in outrage]
Emmet: Please, everyone, everyone! please.
William Shakespeare: [throws a pizza] Rubbish!
Emmet: [addressing the Master Builders] Yes, it's true, I may not be a Master Builder, I may not have a lot of experience fighting or leading or coming up with plans, or having ideas in general, in fact, I'm not all that smart, and I'm not what you'd call a creative type, plus, generally unskilled, also, scared and cowardly, I know what, you're thinking? "He is the least qualified person in the world to lead us!" And, you are right!
Swamp Creature: This is supposed to make us feel better?
Emmet: What th-? No, there was about to be a but...
Gandalf: You're a butt!
Dumbledore: Yes.
[Outside Cloud Cuckoo Land, Metalbeard and a few knights and cowboys are leaving]
Metalbeard: You all be on your own! I be leaving this lost cause! [Metalbeard jumps onto his ship and sails off Cuckoo Land, as it purrs]
Emmet: Why are you leaving?!
Abraham Lincoln: A house divided against itself would be better than this. [Lincoln jumps into his seat and it suddenly takes off like spaceship]
Emmet: Abraham Lincoln, you bring your space chair right back here! Come on, guys! [nearly gets hit by an object] We can still do this! [another Master Builder throws a blue disc at him] Oh! Right?
Master Builder 1: You're not even a bit special.
[Wyldstyle, Batman and Unikitty sadly watch] Batman: [Batman whispering to Wyldstyle as they watch Emmet] Well, you were right about him being a ding-dong. [the Master Builders continue to jeer and throw things at Emmet]
Master Builder 2: You're a huge disappointment!
[Emmet, sad and disappointed, turns and starts walking off] Master Builder 3: Get him out of here, I don't wanna look at him! Emmet: Well, at least it can't get any worse.
Master Builder 4: Special? Not!
[A giant golf ball suddenly falls out of nowhere, destroying the Dog]:
Emmet: I was wrong.
[Emmet yells and runs away as the falling ball falls onto the ground, goes through the eye of the dog and squishes an Island Warrior Master Builder]
Superman: It's the orb of Tee-te-list.

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