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[Col. Hathi and the Jungle Patrol are marching]
Bagheera: Stop! Wait a minute! [bellows] HA-A-A-A-A-A-A-LT!
[The Jungle Patrol abruptly stops]
Col. Hathi: Who said, "Halt!"? I give the commands around here. Now, speak up. Who was it?
Bagheera: Oh, it was me, Colonel.
Col. Hathi: What do you mean, sir? Taking over my command? Highly irregular, you know!
[Shere Khan is seen spying on them]
Bagheera: Oh, Colonel, I'm sorry, but I need your help.
Col. Hathi: Oh, absolutely impossible! We're on a cross-country march!
Bagheera: This is an emergency, Colonel! The Man-Cub must be found!
Col. Hathi: Man-Cub? What Man-Cub?
Shere Khan: [****s his left ear while eavesdropping their private chat from afar] How interesting.
Bagheera: The one who I was taking to the Man Village!
Col. Hathi: Good, that's where he belongs. Now, sir, if you don't mind, we'd like to get on with the march.
Bagheera: No, no, you don't understand, Hathi! He's lost. He ran away.
Shere Khan: How delightful.
Col. Hathi: Well, it serves the whippersnapper right.
Bagheera: But Shere Khan, the Tiger, he's sure to pick up the Man-Cub's trail.
[Shere Khan nods his head, agreeing with Bagheera.]
Col. Hathi: [laughs] Shere Khan? Nonsense, old boy. Shere Khan isn't within miles from here. [Shere Khan shakes his head in disagreement, and chuckles evilly.] Oh, sorry, Bagheera. Fortunes of war and all that sort of thing, you know.
Winifred: [storms towards Hathi, with Hathi Jr. following her] This has gone far enough! Far enough! [to Hathi] Now, wait just a minute, you pompous old windbag!
Col. Hathi: Winifred! What are you doing out of ranks?
Winifred: Never mind! [indicating Hathi Jr.] How would you like to have our boy lost and alone in the jungle?
Col. Hathi: Our son.... alone? But, Winifred, old girl, this is an entirely different matter!
Winifred: Hmph!
Col. Hathi: Different, entirely.
Winifred: That little boy is no different than our own son. Now, you help find him, or I'm taking over command!
Col. Hathi: WHAT?! A female leading my herd?! Utterly preposterous!
Hathi Jr.: Pop, the Man-Cub and I are friends. He'll get hurt if we don't find him. Please, Pop? Sir? Please?
Col. Hathi: [smiles] Now, don't you worry, Son. Your father had a plan in mind all the time.
Winifred: [scoffs; sarcastically] Sure you did.

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