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Hammer: [After walking into the room where Vanko is working] Hey, there he is! It's the bird man. Now you like the bird. Is that right? Is that your bird? I'm confused. You said it wasn't, but now it looks like you're best of pals. You love that bird, don't you? You know what? [To the guards] Take the bird. [One guard takes the bird away from Vanko]
Vanko: Hey! [The guard puts the bird into a bag]
Hammer: [To the guards again] Take his pillows, too. Both of them. [The other guard take Vanko's pillows away from him] And his shoes. Take his shoes. [Both guards take Vanko's shoes]. I took your stuff. How does that make you feel? You feel bad? Good. [Angry] 'CAUSE THAT'S HOW I FEEL!!! We had a contract! I saved your life, and you give me suits! That was our deal. And you did not deliver. I don't know if you're a genius or a fraud. I don't know what you are. [Calm] Something really, really great fell into my lap. And if it hadn't, I'd be at your mercy tonight. Now I have a piece of Stark tech that I pimped out myself. And now your overpriced paperweights are gonna look like a backdrop to my demonstration. Do you dig what I'm getting at here?
Vanko: [In Russian]: You talk a bit too much ("Слишком много говоришь");
Hammer: [Sarcastically laughs] I don't know if you know this, [Angry again] BUT I DON'T SPEAK RUSSIAN!!! [calm again] I'm gonna leave now. I'm gonna go to the Expo. Maybe I'll even get laid. [Referring to the guards] You see these guys? They're your babysitters. They are not to be trifled with. When I get back, we're gonna renegotiate the terms of our agreement. And you're gonna make good on our arrangement because if you don't, you're gonna be exactly what you were when I found you: a dead man. You got that? [Pointing to the TV] Maybe you can watch me on TV. [Leaves; Vanko starts looking to the guards, and smiles]

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