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[Joy and Bing Bong have fallen into the Memory Dump and are stuck down there, doomed to be forgotten forever. All hope seemed lost, and as a matter of minutes, a lot of memories tend to cease forever. Even Joy and Bing Bong will cease forever. Joy tries fruitlessly to climb up the piles of old memories to get out.]
Bing Bong: Joy? Joy, what are you doing? Would ya stop it, please? [Joy ignores his please and keeps trying to get out, once again, to no avail.] Don't ya get it, Joy?! We're stuck down here! We're forgotten.
[Joy pauses to realize her situation. Joy starts to lose hope, and even Bing Bong loses hope. In the background, the discarded sad core memory of Riley breaking down into tears on her first day at school begins to play]
Riley: [in the memory orb] We... used to play tag... and stuff... [Joy walks over to the memory, and holds it somberly] But... everything is different now. Since we moved... [The memory keeps playing the "video" of Riley's emotional breakdown at school. Joy keeps staring at the memory orb, in complete helpless despair. She sits down and begins to stifle tears. The sound of a discarded memory of Riley happily coloring as a toddler begins to play next to Joy, who picks it up and looks at it with a sad smile.]
Joy: [tearing up] Do you remember how she used to stick her tongue out when she was coloring? [continues to fight back tears as she picks up another memory orb, this time of a younger Riley telling a story to her parents] I could listen to her stories, all day... [picks up another memory of Riley playing in her backyard as a toddler; her eyes well up with tears, but she keeps holding back] I just wanted Riley to be happy... [unable to hold back her tears anymore, she picks up the sad core memory of Riley crying in school] And now... [as she looks at it, she begins to sob, and completely breaks down into hopeless tears while Bing Bong sadly looks on. Joy hugs all the three forgotten memories and the blue core memory of Riley crying in front of the whole class until they all fall out of Joy’s arms and she covers her face while sobbing. Joy has lost everything. Around her, memories fade and disappear. When Joy wipes her tears from off her face, Joy's tears fall onto the happy memory orb of Riley after the Prairie Dog hockey game. As Joy wipes the tear off of it, she scrolls through the memory to see it was previously a sad memory turned happy. The sad portion consists of Riley sitting sadly with her parents on a tree branch. Curiously, Joy "rewinds" the memory to the point where Mom and Dad came to Riley to comfort her. Joy begins to hear Sadness's description of the memory in her head.]
Sadness: [voice-over] It was the day the Prairie Dogs lost the big playoff game. Riley missed the winning shot, she felt awful. She wanted to quit.
Joy: [scrolls through the memory to see the blue sad memory of her and her parents turn a happy yellow when Riley's friends come to cheer her on] Sadness... Mom and Dad... The team. They came to help... because of Sadness. [to Bing Bong] We have to get back up there.
Bing Bong: Joy, we're stuck down here. We might as well be on another planet.
Joy: [getting an idea] "Another planet". [turns and calls out in a sing-song voice] Who's your friend who likes to play? [silence, Bing Bong looks up in surprise] Who's your friend who likes to play?!
Bing Bong: [also singing] His rocket makes you yell "Hooray"...
[Bing Bong's wagon rocket makes its signature tune in the distance. Encouraged, Joy and Bing Bong rush to find it as Bing Bong keeps singing]
Joy: Hop in.

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