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Disgust: On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this day an "F".
Anger: [throws down a copy of "The Mind Reader" with the headline, "Riley Quits Hockey!"] Well, why don't we quit standing around and do something? [kicks a chair]
Disgust: Like what, genius?
Fear: [walking towards the recall tube with a suitcase] Like quitting! That’s what I’m doing. Sure, it’s the coward’s way out, but this coward’s gonna survive! [the tube closes around him, but he clogs it up and the massive amount of memory orbs force it open and he lands back down on the floor]
Disgust: Emotions can’t quit, genius! [Fear has accidentally swallowed a disgusting memory and spits it up, making Disgust recoil] Ugh! I thought we were supposed to be keeping Riley happy!
Anger: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! [runs over to the idea shelves] Ah-ha! [he grabs a bulb, and laughs]
Fear: What is it?
Anger: Oh, nothing. Just the best idea ever.
Disgust: What?
Anger: All the good Core Memories were made in Minnesota. Ergo, we go back to Minnesota and make more. Ta-da!
Fear: Wait, wait, wait. You’re saying we... run away?
Anger: Well, I wouldn’t call it that. I’d call it the “Happy Core Memory Development Program”.
Fear: You can’t be serious!
Anger: Hey! Our life was perfect, until Mom and Dad decided to move us to San Fran-Stink-Town!
Fear: But-but-but I mean, it’s just so drastic!
Anger: Need I remind you how great things were there? Our room, our backyard, our friends. [recalls a happy memory, but instead it plays the annoying gum commercial]
Singers: TripleDent Gum will make you smile...
'Anger: DID I ASK FOR THE GUM COMMERCIAL?![shuts off the jingle] Anyway, it was better, that’s my point.
Disgust: Yeah. Riley was happier in Minnesota.
Fear: Wait, hold on. Shouldn’t we sleep on this or something?
Anger: Fine, let’s sleep on it. Because hey, I’m sure jolly, fun-filled times are just around the corner!

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