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[Joy and Sadness meet the Memory Workers, who are in charge of dumping out memory orbs that are faded into the Memory Dump.]
Joy: Hey! Bring those back!
Worker Paula: They're in the dump. Nothing comes back from the dump.
Worker Bobby: Yeah. Look, lady, this is our job, okay?
Worker Paula: When Riley doesn't care about a memory, it fades.
Joy: Fades?
Worker Paula: Happens to the best of them.
Worker Bobby: [grabs a happy memory] Yeah, except for this bad boy. This one will never fade. [the aforementioned memory contains the annoying TripleDent Gum jingle]
Singers: TripleDent Gum will make you smile...
Joy: [shocked] The song from the gum commercial?
Worker Bobby: You know, sometimes we send that one up to Headquarters for no reason!
Worker Paula: It just plays in Riley's head over and over again, like a million times! [Joy is visibly annoyed at this]
Worker Bobby: Let's watch it again! [he rewinds the memory, and the Memory Workers sing along to the jingle] TripleDent Gum will make you smile...
Joy: Yeah, I know. We all know the song. OK, yeah, real catchy, OK.
Worker Bobby: Hey, what do you think? Should we do it?
Worker Paula: Yeah!
Worker Bobby: [he shoves the memory orb into the shelf and shoots it up a pipe to Headquarters.] Okay, here we go!
[Fear is drinking coffee, Disgust is doing her nails and Anger is reading a newspaper with the headline reading "GOLDEN STATE BLUE MOOD" in HQ. The jingle pops up.]
Singers: TripleDent Gum will make you smile...
Anger: [looks up] What the...? THIS AGAIN!?
Joy: [to the workers, who are walking away singing] Wait! Do you know how to get to Friendship Island?!
Riley: [while using a laptop to talk to Meg] TripleDent Gum...
Meg: You like it there. Do you feel any Earthquake. It’s the bridges cool.
Riley: Yeah, it’s good. What happened with the playoff.
Meg: We’re on the first game. Coach says we might actually go to the finals this year. Oh, and we’ve got this new girl on the team. She’s so cool.
Disgust: Uh, she did not just say that.
Fear: A new girl?! Meg has a new friend already?
[Anger growls]
Disgust: Hey, hey, stay happy. We do not want to lose any more Islands here guys.
Meg: We can pass the puck to each other without even looking. It’s like mind reading.
Anger: You like to read minds, Meg?! I’ve got something for you to read, right here! [grabbing the controls]
Disgust: No, no, no. What are you doing?
Fear: Wait, wait, wait! Let’s just be calm for one second…!
[Anger grabs Fear by the nose and then throws him out of the console, then pulls the levers on the console as his head catches fire while screaming angrily]
Meg: I heard they have parrots living in-
Riley: I gotta go.
Meg: What?
Riley: [angrily] I gotta go! [closes her laptop]
Joy: Okay, could you please just please tell me which way is... Oh, no! Friendship Island! What! Oh, not Friendship.
Sadness: Oh, Riley loved that one. And now it’s gone.

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