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[After Saito has been shot in the first dream layer]
Cobb: Get Fischer in the backroom now. [Opens car door] Get him in the backroom. Move. What the hell happened?..Has he been shot? Is he dying?
Arthur: I don't know.
Cobb: Jesus Christ.
Arthur: Where were you what happened to you?
Cobb: We were blocked by a freight train.
Arthur: [to Ariadne] Why would you put a train crossing in the middle of a down-town intersection?
Ariadne: I didn't!
Arthur: Then where'd it come from?
Cobb: Let me ask you a question: why the hell were we ambushed? Those were not normal projections, they've been trained, for God's sake!
Ariadne: How could he be trained?
Arthur: Fischer has had an extractor teach his subconscious to defend itself. His subconscious has militarized. It should have shown in the research. I'm sorry.
Cobb: When why the hell didn't it?!
Arthur: Calm down.
Cobb: Don't tell me to calm down! This was your job, God damn it! This was your responsibility! You were meant to check Fischer's background thoroughly! We are not prepared to deal with this type of security!
Arthur: We have dealt with some security before! We'll be a little more careful, and we'll be fine!
Cobb: This was not a part of the plan! [on Saito] He's dying, for God's sake!
[Eames approaches with a gun and it aims it at Saito]
Eames: I'm putting him out of his misery.
Cobb: Don't do that! [shoves him back] Don't do that.
Eames: [exasperated] He's in agony. I'm waking him up.
Cobb: No. It won't wake him up.
Eames: What do you mean, "it won't wake him up"? If we die in a dream, we wake up.
Yusef: Not from this. [everyone looks at him] We're too heavily sedated to wake up that way.
Eames: So, what happens when we die?
Cobb: We drop into Limbo.
Arthur: [angry] Are you serious?!
Ariadne: Limbo?
Arthur: Unconstructed dream space.
Ariadne: Well, what the hell is down there?
Arthur: Just raw, infinite subconscious. Nothing is down there. Except for whatever that might have been left behind by whoever's sharing the dream who was trapped down there before. Which in our case, is just you.
Ariadne: But how long could we be stuck there?
Yusef: Not even think about waking up until –
Eames: How long?!
Yusef: Decades! It could be infinite! I don't know! [motioning to Cobb] Ask him, he's the one who's been there!
[Saito is moved upstairs]
Eames: Great. [to Cobb, sarcastic] Thank you. So, now we're in Fischer's mind battling his own private army. And, if we get killed, we'll all be lost in Limbo until our brains turn to scrambled egg. Hm?
[Cobb says nothing and walks away]

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