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[Ariadne walks back into the warehouse]
Arthur: Cobb said you'd be back
Ariadne: I tried not to come, but.....
Arthur: But there's nothing quite like it
Ariadne: It's just...pure creation.
Arthur: Shall we take a look at some paradoxical architecture?
[Arthur and Ariadne are walking up a wooden staircase in the dream]
Arthur: You're going to have to master a few tricks if you're going to build three complete dream levels. [Projection drops papers in front of Arthur]..Excuse me.
Ariadne: What kind of tricks?
Arthur: In a dream you can cheat architecture into impossible shapes. That lets you create closed loops. Like the Penrose Steps. An infinite staircase. [The camera reveals they are walking on an impossible, looping staircase] See?...Paradox.
Arthur: So a closed loop like that will help you disguise the boundaries of the dream you create
Ariadne: But how big do these levels have to be?
Arthur: It could be anything from the floor of a building to an entire city. But they have to be complicated enough that we can hide from the projections.
Ariadne: A Maze?
Arthur: Right, a maze. And the better the maze...
Ariadne: Then the longer we have before the projections catch us?
Arthur: Exactly.
Ariadne: My subconscious seems polite enough.
Arthur: [Arthur laughs] Ha,ha. You wait, they'll turn ugly. No one else like to feel someone else messing around in their mind.
Ariadne: Cobb can't build anymore, can he?
Arthur: Well I don't know if he can't, but he won't. He thinks it's safer if he doesn't know the layouts.
Ariadne: Why?
Arthur: He won't tell me. But I think it's Mal.
Ariadne: His ex-wife?
Arthur: No, Not his Ex.
Ariadne: They're still together?
Arthur: No. It' she's dead...What you see in there is just his projection of her.
Ariadne: What was she like in real life?
Arthur: She was lovely.

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