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Crash: Can I pull back the tree and shoot me into the pond?
Manny: No.
Crash: Aw, come on!
Sid: Now. How do you except to impress Ellie with that attitude.
Manny: I don’t wanna impress her.
Sid: Then why're you trying so hard to, convince her that she’s a mammoth?
Manny: Because that’s what she is. I don’t care if she thinks she’s a possum, You can’t be two things!
Sid: Au contrarie, My friend. Tell that to the bullfrog, chicken hawk or turtledove.
Diego: He’s never gonna let up on you. It’ll be easier on all of us if you just go with it.
Manny: [groans, goes over to Crash, who's standing on a small tree] So, uh, what do you want me to do?
Crash: Pull back the tree and shoot me into the pond.
Manny: [looks from the tree to the pond] I don't know.
Crash: Well, if you're too lame to do it, we can get Ellie.
Manny: No, no. I can do it. I can do it. [pulls the tree back with his trunk]
Crash: Farther... farther...farther...
Manny: Have you done this before?
Crash: Ha! Only 1,000,000 times. Farther... farther... farther... [Manny pulls it back so far that the end of the branch is resting on the ground] Perfect! FIRE! [Manny let go off the tree; Crash goes soaring through the air] Yeah! I can fly! [singing] ♪ I believe I can fly...! ♪ [rams headfirst into an oak tree, and falls to the ground, unconscious, leaving behind an impression of himself in the trunk]
Eddie: [screams] Crash!
Manny: Uh-oh!
Eddie: Crash! Crash! Crash, you okay?
Ellie: What happened?
Eddie: Manny shot him out of a tree!
Ellie: What's wrong with you?
Manny: He said he could do it!
Ellie: And you listened to him.
Eddie: Crash, whatever you do, don't go into the light!
Manny: Can I help in any way?
Ellie: You done enough?
Manny: [to Sid] Are you happy now?
Eddie: Crash, Crash, don’t leave me! [crying] Who’s gonna watch my back? Who’s gonna be my Wingman of Mayhem? WHO’S GONNA ROLL IN THAT DUNG PATCH WITH ME?!!?
Crash: [wakes up] Dung patch? Wait, my legs! I can stand!

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