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How to Train Your Dragon 2

How to Train Your Dragon 2 quotes

77 total quotes

Drago Bludvist
Eret, Son of Eret
Stoick the Vast

View Quote Astrid: I don't like it. They should have been back with Hiccup by now.
Ruffnut: I don't like it either. Eret, Son of Eret was the man of my dreams. My everything!
Snotlout: [touches his beard] But baby, I grew facial hair for you.
Fishlegs: [also touches his beard] Me, too...
Astrid: What if Drago shot them down? What if they need our help? We have to find them.
Fishlegs: W-wait, What? No, But Stoick said...
Astrid: [cuts him off] It doesn't matter what he said, if they’ve all been captured. Come on!
View Quote Eret: [approaches Hiccup after he saves Berk] That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper. [Skullcrusher nudges him playfully] Whoa! [laughs]
Hiccup: You know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now.
Eret: [surprised] Me? [Hiccup nods] I'd be honored.
Valka: [comes over to Hiccup] Your father would be every bit as proud of you as I am.
Hiccup: Thank you. I'm really glad you're here, Mom.
Valka: And here I'll stay.
Astrid: [walks up to Hiccup] See? I told you that it was in here. [points to his heart and then presses the button which releases the fin in his back]
Hiccup: [laughs] Still doing that one. That's hilarious. Come here, you. [kisses Astrid]
View Quote Eret: [shows Hiccup and Astrid, his scar under his shirt] This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty-handed. [Hiccup and Astrid looked in disgust at Eret's scar] He promised to be far less understanding in the future.
Hiccup: Look, we don't know anything about a dragon thief, or an ice-spitting dragon, [Eret nods to his men hidden behind Hiccup and Astrid] Or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay? Just give us back our dragon and we'll go, Strange-Hostile-Person-Whom-We've-Never-Met.
Eret: [chuckles] Oh, where are my manners? I'm Eret, Son of Eret. [drags his dagger] Finest dragon trapper alive. After all, it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury.
[Toothless roars]
Hiccup: And this is Toothless. He says we're going, now.
Eret: [laughs] Heh. They all say that. [to the trappers] Rush 'em, lads!
[The hidden dragon trappers attack. Toothless fires at a large icicle that falls on the dragon trappers and keeps them back. They shout and jump away.]
Ug: Oh, Watch out!
[Hiccup pulls out Inferno and cuts the net off of Stormfly.]
Astrid: Stormfly! C'mon, go! Go!
[Astrid barely manages to escape on Stormfly, with Toothless and Hiccup following]
Eret: You will never hold on to those dragons!!! You hear me?! Drago is coming for them all!!!
View Quote Eret: [to Drago, after the Dragon Riders have been captured] They won't know where you're hiding, I promise you that.
Astrid: Oh, yes, they will! They know we're missing and they have tracking dragons. If you so much as touch us, Hiccup is gonna kick...
Drago: Hiccup?
Eret: He's no problem, really. Trust me.
Astrid: He's only the son of Stoick the Vast, his heir to the throne of Berk, and the greatest Dragon Master this world has ever seen!
Drago: Dragon Master? I alone control the dragons!
Tuffnut: Nope, mm-mm.
Fishlegs: SORRY!
[The Dragon Riders laugh]
Astrid: [defiantly] And unless you let us go, right now... he will blast through here on his Night Fury, and blow your entire fleet ships to SPLINTERS.!
Ruffnut: Yeah, and then you'll be crying like babies!
View Quote Hiccup: [after Valka tells her story] How did you survive?
Valka: Oh, Cloudjumper never meant to harm me. He... must've thought I belonged here. [shows Hiccup the Bewilderbeast] In the home of the great Bewilderbeast. The alpha species. One of the very few that still exist. Every nest has its queen, but this is the king of all dragons. With his icy breath, this graceful giant built our nest, a safe haven for dragons everywhere.
Hiccup: [surprised] Wait, that's the ice-spitter? He's responsible for all that destruction?
Valka: He protects us. We all live under his care and his command. [a group of baby dragons gang up on Toothless] All but the babies, of course. [Cloudjumper scares them off and they fly away to pester the Bewilderbeast; laughs] ...Who listen to no one!
View Quote Hiccup: [follows Valka through the cave] Hold-hold on! Wait just a minute!
Valka: This way!
Hiccup: Come back here!
Valka: Come!
Hiccup: You can't just say something like that and run off! You're my MOTHER?! I mean, what the--?! Do you-- do you grasp how insane it sounds?!
Valka: Come! Quickly!
Hiccup: I have questions! Where have you been all this time? What-what have you been doing? Huh? But they-they said you were dead! Everyone thinks you were eaten by-- [finally exits the cave, sees Valka's dragon sanctuary, and is overcome by its beauty]
View Quote Hiccup: [to Eret, who's riding on Stormfly with Astrid] Welcome aboard, Dragon Rider!
Eret: Thanks! I think!
Astrid: Where have you been?
Hiccup: Oh, you know. Catching up with Mom.
Eret: [looking up] Whoa!
[Hiccup looks up. Astrid follows his gaze and sees Valka on Cloudjumper, summoning her Bewilderbeast]
Astrid: [aghast] That's your mother?!
Hiccup: [smiles] Well, now you know where I get my dramatic flair. [flies off]
View Quote Hiccup: [to Valka, about the dragon sanctuary] This is where you've been for 20 years? [Valka nods] You've been rescuing them. [Valka nods again] Unbelievable.
Valka: You're not upset?
Hiccup: What? No! I don't know. It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day you find out your mother is some kind of... crazy, feral, vigilante, dragon lady.
Valka: Oh. [chuckles as Cloudjumper helps her down] Well... At least I'm not boring. Right?
Hiccup: Well I suppose there is thing.
View Quote Tuffnut: [about Drago] I'll bloody his fist with my face if he tries to take my dragon!
Ruffnut: Or mine!
Tuffnut: [annoyed] Eh, you're such a moron.
Fishlegs: [pokes Ruffnut seductively] A beautiful moron.
Snotlout: [also pokes Ruffnut seductively] Yeah.
[Ruffnut groans, irritated and disgusted]
View Quote Valka: [meeting Toothless] Oh, he's beautiful! [pets him] Incredible! He might very well be the last of his kind. And look! [counts his chin flaps] He's your age!
Hiccup: Wow.
Valka: No wonder you get along so well! [notices Toothless's retractable teeth] And retractable teeth! How did you manage to...?
Hiccup: [awkwardly] I found him in the woods. He was... shot down and wounded.
Valka: [goes to various disabled dragons] This Snafflefang lost his leg to one of Drago Bludvist's iron traps. This Raincutter had her wing sliced by razor netting, and this poor Hobblegrunt was blinded by a tree snare and then left to die alone and scared. [sees Toothless's prosthetic tail fin] And what of this? Did Drago or his trappers do this, too?
Hiccup: [gives an embarrassed laugh] Oh, yeah. Well, crazy thing is... I'm actually the one who... shot him down. [Valka gives him a puzzled look] Hey, it's okay, though! He got me back! [to Toothless] Right, bud? You couldn't save all of me, could you? You just had to make it even, so peg leg! [shows Valka his prosthetic leg]
View Quote Valka: [to Hiccup; proudly] All this time, you took after me. [guilty] And where was I? I'm so sorry, Hiccup. Can we start over? Will you give me another chance? [Hiccup gently smiles as if to forgive her] I... I can teach all that I've learned these past 20 years! Like... [presses her fingers into Toothless's neck, making his back spikes split in half]
Hiccup: Wow.
Valka: Now you can make those tight turns!
Hiccup: [to Toothless] Did you know about this?
Valka: [laughs] Every dragon has its secrets, and I'll show them all to you! We'll unlock every mystery, find every last species together, as mother and son! [she and Hiccup laugh as they watch their dragons play] This gift we share, Hiccup, it bonds us. This is who you are, son. Who we are, and we can change the world for all dragons and we'll make it a better, safer place.
Hiccup: [excitedly] Yeah! I mean, that sounds... amazing!
[Overjoyed, Valka hugs a surprised Hiccup, who quickly returns the embrace]
View Quote [Astrid and Stormfly arrive at Itchy Armpit]
Hiccup: Afternoon, milady. Where have you been?
Astrid: Oh, winning races. What else? Real question is, where have you been?
Hiccup: Avoiding my dad.
Astrid: Oh, no. What happened now?
Hiccup: Oh, you're gonna-- you're gonna love this. I wake up, the sun is shining, Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftop. I saunter down to breakfast thinking all is right with the world and I get... [imitates Stoick] "Son, we need to talk."
Astrid: [imitates Hiccup] Not now, Dad! I got a whole day of goofing off to get started!
Hiccup: [laughs] What? Okay, first of all, I-I don't sound like that. Who-- what is this character? A-and second, what is that thing you're doing with my shoulders? Yeah, that's a truly flattering impersonation. [Astrid laughs] Anyway, he goes... [imitates Stoick] ..."You're the pride of Berk, son, and I couldn't be prouder."
Astrid: [imitates Hiccup] Aw, thanks, Dad! I'm pretty impressed with myself, too!
Hiccup: [laughs] Wh-when have I ever done that with my hands?
Astrid: You just did! [laughs]
Hiccup: [exasperatedly but lightheartedly] Ah, okay! Just... [grips Astrid's arms] Just hold still! [holds her hands] Very serious. [imitates Stoick] "You're all grown up. And since no chief could ask for a better successor, I've decided–"
Astrid: [interrupts] To make you Chief! Oh, my gods! Hiccup, that's AMAZING! [playfully punches Hiccup in the chest, accidentally hitting the button that releases the back fin of his flight suit]
Hiccup: OH! You're going to wear out the spring coil. The calibration is very sensitive. [winds the fin back into his flight suit then Toothless and Stormfly come running past chasing each other and knock over Astrid and Hiccup] Yeah, so... This is what I'm dealing with.
Astrid: What'd you tell him?
Hiccup: I-I didn't. By the time he turned around I was gone.
Astrid: Huh, well... that's a lot of responsibility. The map will have to wait, for sure, and I'll need to fly Toothless since you'll be too busy, but...
[Astrid realizes what she just said]
Hiccup: I-It's not me, Astrid. All those speeches and planning and running the village, that's his thing.
Astrid: I think you're missing the point. I mean, Chief. What an honor. I'd be pretty excited.
Hiccup: I... I'm not like you. You... know exactly who you are. You always have. I'm still looking. I know that I'm not my father, and I've never met my mother, so... what does that make me?
[Hiccup sits down and gazes off into space. Astrid sits down beside him and starts braiding his hair]
Astrid: What you're searching for isn't out there, Hiccup. [puts her hand to Hiccup's chest] It's in here.
View Quote [at Stoick's funeral]
Gobber: May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen: A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend.
View Quote [At Stoick's funeral]
Hiccup: [regretfully] I'm sorry, Dad. I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be and I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I... don't know...
Valka: You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. So frail and so fragile. I feared that you wouldn't make it, but your father, he never doubted. He always said you would become the strongest of them all, and he was right. You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son.
Hiccup: I uh... I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try. A chief protects his own. We're going back.
Tuffnut: Uh... With what?
Ruffnut: Uh... He took all the dragons.
Hiccup: Not all of them...
View Quote [Drago is knocked away from attacking Valka and sees Stoick]
Valka: Thank you.
Stoick: For you my dear, anything. [Refers to dueling alphas] You think you can stop them?
Valka: I'll do my best. [Frees Cloudjumper] Come on Cloudjumper!
Drago: I watched you burn!
Stoick: It takes more than a little fire to kill me! [Attacks Drago]