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[Drac just saved Dennis from falling from the condemned tower]
Dana: Oh, dear! Oh, my devil! We're gonna have to report this!
Drac: You mean to the papers? I guess it was pretty cool, but I'm not about getting press.
Dana: No, sir, I mean to the authorities. I cannot report child endangerment.
Drac: Whoa, listen to me. That was fun! Your singing is child endangerment!
[Meanwhile, on top of the tower]
Wayne: Should we should go down and help him?
Frank: Nope, I told him this was nuts. He's on his own! (And as for Dennis, he's gonna need more time.) [leans on the tower, causing it to fall over] (Uh, oh.)
[Back to Drac and Dana]
Dana: We have to call the boy's mother.
Drac: No, that ain't happening! His mother's already nutsy cuckoo!
Dana: (Well, either way,) I have to follow protocol!
Drac: [stares into Dana's eyes, glowing red; hypnotic] You will not follow protocol.
Dana: [unphased] (Yes, I will... because) I'm a vampire. I can't be hypnotized.
Drac: [back to normal] Uh, right. (I forgot vampires can't hypnotized each other.)
Dana: Now, please, don't make me call the police!
Drac: No one's calling nobody!
[The tower finally collapses on the campfire, lighting it and Frank.]
Frank: Fire!
Murray: Stop, drop and roll! Stop, drop and roll!
Wayne: Screaming's not helping!
[The camp kids take out marshmallows on sticks, cheer and start coming to the fire to roast them; Dennis has a sad look]
Dennis: Are we bad guys, Papa Drac?
Drac: Bad? No! You're the best kid in the world! We didn't start the fire. It was the tower. [scolding to Dana] That's a very unsafe tower! You're lucky we don't call the authorities! [to Dennis as he puts him over his shoulders] Let's go, my hero!
Dennis: Cebause I'm Batman! To the Batmobile!
Drac: Yes, to the–

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